Page 70 - Summer2009
P. 70

All Thumbs Book Reviews

         with the decrease in consumption of traditional nutrient-dense foods, is  personal journey. And I was astonished at how
         responsible for most of the chronic illness that plagues us today.   much I learned about life cycles, soil, plants,
                                                                         animals, wetlands and politics (the nutrition I
         TO SAVE THE WORLD?                                              DOUHDG\ NQHZ  LQ D PHUH     SDJHV RI VHDPOHVVO\
         pretty grim. And yet, I can’t even really fault her for that. Keith has done  soul that aches for so much we’ve already lost. I
         her research, crunched the numbers, and thinks that the planet can’t truly  ZHSW DW VHYHUDO SRLQWV  QRW RQO\ RQ P\ ¿UVW UHDG
         sustain even one tenth of our current numbers for the long term. Many  through, but again on my second. Her book is a
         ZLOO EULVWOH DW KHU ¿UVW UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ  ³'RQ¶W KDYH FKLOGUHQ ´ %XW DV  plaintive cry for us to wake up from the fantasy of
         she points out, a large portion of humanity wouldn’t be around today if it  endless consumption and entitlement that we’ve
         weren’t for the Green Revolution, which accelerated the loss of our topsoil  been playing out for far too long, and from the
         and the destruction of ecosystems even as it provided a starvation diet for  pernicious corollary that if we just recycle and
         ELOOLRQV PRUH KXPDQV  ZLWK WKH SUR¿WV JRLQJ WR D YHU\ IHZ FRUSRUDWLRQV    “buy organic” and replace our incandescent
         If we don’t decrease our numbers voluntarily, and soon, we may see them  EXOEV ZLWK FRPSDFW ÀXRUHVFHQWV WKDW LW ZLOO DOO
         decrease rapidly and involuntarily through starvation, environmental col-  be okay.
         lapse and warring over the last of our resources.                  The Vegetarian Myth is an eloquent and ut-
             Keith seamlessly weaves arguments against grain agriculture with  terly persuasive argument against vegetarianism.
         indictments of patriarchy, religion and the cult of masculinity. Many of  Keith pulls no punches, but she does address
         these themes will unsettle or turn off readers who otherwise agree with her  vegetarians with empathy and love. She has been
         main points against vegetarianism. But she persuasively links the spread  there; she knows the prayer in the vegan heart.
         of agriculture to the spread of slavery, imperialism, militarism, and class  Few vegans truly stick it out for twenty years, so
         divisions—on the whole, the agricultural experiment has meant a net loss  Keith has earned her soapbox. And she realizes
         in freedom and individual rights.                               that for those who have built an entire identity
             I don’t know whether she’s right about how truly desperate the situ-  around their diet, all three of the main vegetarian
         ation is. But even if reality will not be quite so grim as she paints it, to  arguments must be thoroughly dealt with before
         mitigate the danger we must increase our vigilance and our activism in  another way can be considered. Mass vegetarian-
         pursuit of grass-farming, not grain-farming. And we must be ever more  ism would not save the world, but in fact would
         active and vocal in politics and in the protection of individual rights. If  hasten its destruction.
         global food crises do come when petroleum-based ag fails, can we imagine     I hope that this book will help vegetarians
         that governments under pressure wouldn’t seize the remaining fertile land  and vegans who are struggling to maintain their
         from the grass-farmers, “for the public good”?                  diet despite its effect on their health, to see that
             .HLWK¶V ELEOLRJUDSK\ LV ¿OOHG ZLWK QDPHV WKDW ZLOO EH IDPLOLDU WR UHDGHUV  while their compassion and fervor for justice are
         RI WKLV MRXUQDO  'DQLHO  PLVWDNHQO\ LGHQWL¿HG DV .DD\OD ³'DYLV´ WKURXJKRXW  honorable and noble, they are mistaken about
         the book, an error that Keith will rectify in future editions), Eades, Enig,  the solution. I would love to welcome more
         Fallon, Price, Purdey, Ross, Salatin, Schmid, Taubes. But don’t think that  recovering vegetarians and vegans into WAPF.
         if you’ve read all of these authors and you’re eating meat that you have  Together perhaps our combined commitment and
         nothing to learn from this book. Keith will also introduce you to some  FUHDWLYLW\ FDQ ¿QG WKH SDWK WR D WUXO\ VXVWDLQDEOH
         fascinating voices you may not yet know: I’ve already ordered my copies  well-nourished future for humans and all our
         of Derrick Jenson’s Endgame and Stephen Buhner’s The Lost Language  fellow creatures.
         of Plants.                                                         You may read an excerpt and order the book
             Part of the brilliance of her book is its astonishing readability; the grace  at
         about plant chemistry and nutrition with heartbreaking narrative about her
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