Page 73 - Summer2009
P. 73
All Thumbs Book Reviews
very careful of the entrées. They are loaded Just ignore the appalling advice to throw away We know that
with improperly prepared whole grains, lowfat those precious egg yolks and use plenty of high too much
or nonfat dairy products and lean meats. We quality animal fat. Avoid the high sugar desserts
know that too much protein without the fat and and the tofu nuggets. I also want to caution you protein
fat-soluble activators will deplete our livers of against the advice to prepare several steamed without the
vitamin A. Too much beta carotene, which you vegetable purées ahead of time. According to fat and fat
might get from all the puréed veggies hidden in the Weston A. Price Foundation, nitrites can
these dishes, can depress our ability to convert form in cooked vegetables during storage. This soluble
carotenes into vitamin A. adds yet another danger to our so-called healthy activators
Many of the recipes are baked substitutes for cooking. will deplete
IULHG IRRGV 6RPH RI WKHP ZRXOG EH MXVW ¿QH LI I do believe that Jessica Seinfeld has her
they called for more heat-stable fats such as lard. heart in the right place. She offers parenting ad- our livers of
Of course, they all use nonstick cooking spray. I vice throughout the cookbook. One of her advice vitamin A.
don’t even want to go near the Tofu Nuggets. Mrs. pages tells us to keep a strict schedule of meal
Seinfeld claims the kids think they are chicken times and snacks to avoid mood swings in our
or cheese. Let’s just feed them some chicken or children. While regular mealtimes and snacks
cheese then. They certainly aren’t getting what are important, mood swings are not a problem
they need from all that soy. The Spaghetti Pie and if our children have plentiful saturated fat and
Lasagna recipes don’t even look very appetizing, fat-soluble vitamins in their diets to prevent
though I think they could be very good if made hypoglycemia. I also can’t help commenting on
with full-fat dairy products and meats. the photo of her youngest on the back cover. He
7KDW VDLG , GR ¿QG P\VHOI XVLQJ Deceptively has his mouth open wide, displaying his narrow
Delicious for ideas. If you are someone like palate and crowded front teeth. Jessica herself
me, who follows recipes very loosely, this is a looks model-thin and pale. I want to take them
serviceable cookbook. The recipes that I have both home and feed them a traditional foods
converted to use full fat dairy products and real supper. I may even hide some puréed liver in the
food ingredients have all turned out very well. main course. Review by Stephanie Brewer
The Sunlight Solution: Why More Sun Exposure and Vitamin D are Essential to Your Health
By Laurie Winn Carlson
Prometheus Books
The Sunlight Solution puts forward the radical idea that God didn’t put the sun up there to kill us all. It might even be
good for us. The link with vitamin D is well known and our health is also very dependent on good circadian rhythms and
properly regulated melatonin levels. The author also points out that melanoma occurs more often in people who don’t
get much sun, and in areas where the sun rarely or never shines. This is all good information.
For those who may feel inspired to write a book that covers the subject of vitamin A and D, I have some advice.
Read what our website says on the subject first, especially articles written by Chris Masterjohn, and you will stand a bet-
ter chance of dodging my downward pointing thumb. The author apparently didn’t do that. We are told again that cod
liver oil may be a problem because it has a lot of vitamin A which interferes with vitamin D. See the Spring, 2009 Wise
Traditions to straighten out that confusion. There is good information in this book but look out for landmines. A reluctant
Thumbs Down. Review by Tim Boyd
SUMMER 2009 Wise Traditions 71