Page 88 - Summer2009
P. 88

NAIS Update

                                                 By Judith McGeary, Esq.

                                  7KH 1DWLRQDO $QLPDO ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ 6\VWHP  injunction to stop the implementation of NAIS
                              (NAIS) started back in the 1980s with the infor-  at both the state and federal levels by any state
                              mal plans of industrial agriculture groups and  or federal agency. If successful, the suit would
                              technology companies. For newcomers to this  halt the program nationwide.
                              issue, NAIS is a plan to require anyone who owns      The lawsuit is still in the early stages, but
                              even one livestock or poultry animal—even just  the Fund has won a couple of initial skirmishes.
                              a single chicken or a pet horse—to register their  In January, in response to the agencies’ motion
                              property, tag each animal (in most cases with  WR GLVPLVV WKH FDVH  WKH )XQG VRXJKW WR ¿OH DQ
                              HOHFWURQLF LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ  VXFK DV PLFURFKLSV RU  amended complaint to add another plaintiff, a
                              RFID tags) and report their movements to the  Fund member from Pennsylvania, and to ex-
                              government within twenty-four hours. Most  pand on the allegations in its original complaint.
                              people started to become aware of this issue back  7KH DJHQFLHV RSSRVHG WKH ¿OLQJ  EXW WKH &RXUW
                              to implement NAIS.                         plaint. Shortly afterwards, the Fund objected to
                                  In the four years since then, the grass-  WKH LQFRPSOHWH DQG VNHZHG UHFRUG ¿OHG E\ WKH
                              roots has mounted a growing opposition to  86'$  ZKLFK GLG QRW WUXO\ UHÀHFW WKH DJHQFLHV¶
              Judith McGeary   the program. Five states—Arizona, Kentucky,  DFWLRQV RQ 1$,6  7KH )XQG ¿OHG D PRWLRQ WR
            is an attorney and   Missouri, Nebraska, and Utah—have passed  supplement the record which was opposed by the
              small farmer in   state laws barring mandatory implementation,  agencies. The Court partly ruled in the Fund’s
               Austin, Texas,   while more than a dozen other bills have been  favor, granting the Fund’s request to add more
              and the Execu-  LQWURGXFHG LQ RWKHU VWDWHV DQG JDLQHG VLJQL¿FDQW  than a hundred additional government docu-
           tive Director of the   support. Yet it seems that, as the grassroots op-  ments into the formal record, while denying its
             Farm and Ranch
            Freedom Alliance.   position has grown, so has the push to implement  request to include non-governmental documents
             She has a B.S. in   this intrusive and expensive program. Both sides  which the Fund contends are relevant.
                Biology from   have turned up the heat, and the issue may come      Neither of these rulings has addressed the
           Stanford University   to a head soon.                         merits of the case. The USDA and MDA have
           and a J.D. from the                                           ¿OHG QHZ PRWLRQV WR GLVPLVV WKH DPHQGHG FRP-
           University of Texas   FARM-TO-CONSUMER                        SODLQW DQG ERWK VLGHV KDYH ¿OHG H[WHQVLYH EULHIV
            at Austin. She and   LEGAL DEFENSE FUND’S                    In essence, both agencies argue that Michigan
                her husband   LAWSUIT TO STOP NAIS                       is not really implementing NAIS and that, since
                  run a small
             grass-based farm      The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund  NAIS is “voluntary,” the government does not
            with sheep, cattle,   is challenging NAIS in the federal district court  have to go through any of the regular procedures,
          horses, and heritage   of DC. The Michigan Department of Agriculture  such as analyzing the impacts on small busi-
               breed poultry.    0'$  KDV LPSOHPHQWHG WKH ¿UVW WZR VWDJHV RI  nesses or the environment. The Fund contends
                   For more   NAIS—property registration and animal iden-  that, in practical terms, both MDA and USDA
            information about   WL¿FDWLRQ²IRU DOO FDWWOH DQG IDUPHUV DFURVV WKH  have made NAIS mandatory for thousands of
              NAIS and what   State under the guise of its bovine tuberculosis  people already. It is not clear when the Court
               you can do to   disease control program. MDA’s implementation  will make a decision on these motions, so stay
                stop it, go to
          www.farmandranch-   RI WKH ¿UVW WZR VWHSV RI 1$,6 ZDV UHTXLUHG  LQ  tuned.
     or   part, in exchange for a grant of money from the
          call 1-512-243-9404.   USDA. The Fund’s suit asks the court to issue an
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