Page 92 - Summer2009
P. 92

A Campaign for Real Milk

                                                          RAW MILK UPDATES
                                                          by Pete Kennedy, Esq.

                                  7KH PRVW VLJQL¿FDQW GHYHORSPHQWV VLQFH WKH  was held at the 2009 conference, the committee
                              last update have occurred in state legislatures.  did not give a report and instead indicated that it
                              A bill that formally legalizes herd shares passed  would no longer pursue any attempt to prohibit
                              both houses in Tennessee and was signed into  herd shares. One committee member stated that
                              law by the governor. Another bill that would  the NCIMS conference had jurisdiction over pas-
                              increase the availability of raw milk is close to  teurized milk not raw milk. It appeared that the
                              passage in Vermont. The collapse in pay prices  majority of delegates at the conference held this
                              for conventional dairies appears to have made  view and did not want to take a position on herd
                              some state legislators recognize the fact that raw  shares, leaving the issue for individual States to
                              milk sales or distribution can be a viable way for  decide. The likelihood is that NCIMS will not
                              dairy farmers to make a living.            consider the herd share issue again, removing a
                                  At the national level, there has been positive  potential threat to raw milk distribution through-
                              news as well. This update begins with an account  out the country.
                                                                            The one order of business the Herd Shares
            A Campaign        of the failed attempt to institute a nationwide ban    Committee did have on its agenda was to hear
                              on herd shares.
           for Real Milk                                                 Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy Com-
           is a project of    2009 NATIONAL CONFERENCE                   pany (OPDC) give a presentation on amending
          the Weston A.       ON INTERSTATE MILK SHIPMENTS               the federal regulation banning raw milk for hu-
                     Price        The 32nd National Conference on Interstate  man consumption in interstate commerce (CFR
             Foundation.      Milk Shipments (NCIMS) conference met in            0DUN KDV ¿OHG D SHWLWLRQ ZLWK WKH )'$
                To obtain     Orlando from April 17 through 22. NCIMS meets  WR DPHQG &)5         WR DOORZ IRU VKLSPHQW RI
                              every other year to update the Pasteurized Milk  raw milk across state lines from one State where
             some of our      Ordinance (PMO), the model milk regulation  the sale of raw milk is legal to another State
             informative      adopted by almost all of the States governing  where the sale is also legal. Mark had submit-
               Real Milk      the processing, packaging and sale of milk and  ted a proposal to NCIMS asking the conference
              brochures,      milk products. Section 9 of the PMO stipulates  delegates to pass a resolution supporting the
              contact the     WKDW RQO\ SDVWHXUL]HG PLON FDQ EH VROG WR WKH ¿QDO  FDA petition. McAfee knew his proposal had
                                                                         little chance of passing, but introduced it with
          Foundation at           At the 2007 conference, a proposal was  the hope of starting a dialogue with the regula-
                     (202)    introduced to amend Section 9 to establish that  tors and dairy industry representatives attending
              363-4394.       “no dairy animal sharing or similar programs  the conference. In this, he succeeded. While the
          Check out our       would be allowed as a way to bypass the intent  Herd Shares Committee voted not to support
                 website,     of Section 9.” Passage of the proposal could have  his proposal, a number of State regulators and
                              potentially meant a ban on herd shares in a major-
                                                                         LQGXVWU\ UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV LQWHUHVWHG LQ ¿QGLQJ
                    www.      ity of the States. The proposal did not have much  out more about OPDC’s raw milk business ap-
        support; so, instead of taking a vote, a study  proached him during the conference.
           for additional     committee was formed “to look into means to     However, one group of attendees who re-
             information      prevent animal/herd shares and other practices  fused to speak with McAfee about raw milk were
             and sources      used to circumvent food safety regulations.” The  the representatives from FDA, maintaining the
            of Real Milk      committee was to present its report at the 2009  agency’s policy of not talking to anyone with an
                                                                         opposing viewpoint on raw milk.
                products.         When the Herd Shares Committee meeting     The FDA has used NCIMS in the past as a
         90                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2009
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