Page 95 - Summer2009
P. 95
Healthy Baby Gallery
Although Colton’s parents, Sara and Wayne Petsch, had no control over his birth mother’s
diet, he was fortunate to receive the best of nutrition from his adoptive parents. They fed
him donated breast milk for the first two weeks of his life, and ever since then he has been
on the raw milk formula. Here pictured at eight months, he is a very healthy,
happy, active, robust little boy who has slept through the night since around three months.
Says Sara, “We are very happy with how well the raw milk formula has worked for him!”
Antennae in tune with the world, a very alert three-month-
old Ian Fergus McWilton is thriving on a combination of
Mom’s rich breastmilk and homemade formula. Mom
consumed raw milk, egg yolks, paté, fish eggs, red meat and
cod liver oil during pregnancy and is continuing the same
nutrient-dense diet during breastfeeding.
Smiling in her sleep, four-day-old Aviana Hayden
Skaggs has a lot to be happy about since her
mother consumed a nutrient-dense diet during
Trevor Joseph Yoder, pictured at about six weeks
old, is the twelfth child of Paul and Colleen Yoder.
Weighing nine pounds, eleven ounces at birth, he
got a good start on his mother’s diet of grass-
based raw milk and other farm products. His par-
ents have an all grass farm in Apple Creek, Ohio,
where they do herdshares and direct market all
their farm products directly to consumers.
The parents of Oliver Emerson Corvera, pictured here at nine months, first learned about the
principles of the WAPF when he was a few months old, and began implementing them right
away. The family is deeply grateful for Abner Lapp’s farm in Quarryville, Pennsylvania, which
provides all their raw dairy. Ollie enjoys perfect health (without vaccinations), and is unusually
social, curious and interactive. He continues to eat mainly mama’s delicious breastmilk, but
also enjoys raw milk, daily cod liver oil, locally raised pastured meats and eggs, organic sea-
sonal produce and lacto-fermented foods! Oliver’s mother spreads the WAPF word through
her holistic nutrition practice, Earth/Body Balance (
Avery Victoria Seguin arrived right on time, healthy and strong over
eight pounds. Avery’s mom and dad prepared themselves for a
year before conceiving, and Mom drank plenty of raw milk every
day during pregnancy. Avery has been breastfed for over two years
and loves a healthy WAPF diet. She is especially in love with her
“milky,” raw milk, straight from the farm. Avery is extremely happy
and delightful to be around, wowing people with her wide vocabu-
lary and profoundly deep thoughts already.
Eli Joseph Thompson at four months and twenty pounds. He was born to a WAPF-following
mother and now has a diet of breast milk, egg yolks and high vitamin cod liver oil with butter
oil. He is such a happy, healthy, and rolly-polly little man!
Please submit your baby and raw milk granny photos to Liz Pitfield at
Be sure to label photographs with the full name of the baby.
SUMMER 2009 Wise Traditions 93