Page 37 - Summer2015
P. 37

out and sterilizing the cities came inevitably with  In the years that followed and with the “cause”   With improved
          unintended consequences. In its usual ecological  known, the “race for the cure,” went into full
          setting, prior to these public health experts at  swing. However, some bright epidemiologists   sanitation
          work, polio rarely struck infants younger than six  looking at the incidence province by province   fewer children
          months old, most commonly infecting children  noted that Keshan’s was only to be found in   were exposed
          between six months and four years of age when  epidemic proportions in certain areas, leaving
          the disease usually presented in its “common  others, sometimes adjacent to the danger zones,   to the disease,
          cold” form. With improved sanitation—which  free of the disease. Since the affected provinces   more adults
          included spraying poor areas with DDT, a potent  were not necessarily geographically isolated   were, and the
          nerve poison—polio tended to hit at later ages,  from the Keshan-free regions (by mountain
          even into adulthood, when it was quite a differ-  ranges for example) physical separation seemed   results in
          ent, far more aggressive illness. So, with im-  not to be an issue. Further, since the Chinese are   adults were
          proved sanitation, fewer children were exposed  a relatively genetically homogeneous population,   disastrous.
          to the disease, more adults were, and the results  bizarre DNA defects were not thought to be at
          in adults were disastrous. In “unclean” urban  fault.
          areas, early exposure mitigated the severity of     Surprisingly, since conventional research-
          the illness, with the added benefit of providing  ers usually discount environmental causation,
          lifetime immunity. With improved sanitation the  some of the scientists began studying the soil in
          disease became far more deadly. In this context I  the high-incidence and low-incidence regions,
          am reminded of more recent studies demonstrat-  looking for an ecological solution. To their as-
          ing that children allowed to play in the mud and  tonishment, in every high-incidence area they
          muck—as I was as a child before germ-phobia  studied the soils were significantly deficient
          became itself an epidemic —and who attend day  in the trace mineral selenium, needed for the
          care centers where they are exposed to all man-  generation and regeneration of glutathione so
          ner of drippy noses and minor infections, tend  critical in modulating free-radical reactions. In
          to have far less asthma, far fewer allergies, and  areas of low incidence, the soils were selenium
          far stronger immunity, than their over-protected  replete. Apparently, only in the context of sele-
          peers.                                    nium deficiency did the normally well-behaved
                                                    and only mildly virulent Coxsackie virus mutate
          KESHAN'S DISEASE                          into a highly aggressive, cardiac-toxic organism.
              Keshan’s disease provides another interest-     When the simple solution of selenium
          ing take on another seemingly “catastrophic”  supplementation was enforced in endemic areas,
          infectious disease, salvation from which, it was  the disease has become for China a rarity, largely
          believed, required the ingenuity of our best  a non-issue—as long as the population in vulner-
          microbiologists and vaccinologists. Though  able areas “takes their vitamins,” or in this case,
          Keshan’s is more obscure than polio, the lesson  takes their minerals.
          is as striking. Named after the province in China     Here is a case of an “infectious disease”
          where the syndrome had been first identified,  with an incidence and fatality rate in affected
          Keshan’s would strike with a progressive cardio-  provinces higher than polio ever was in the U.S.
          myopathy that often ended in rampaging deadly  At the height of its reign, Keshan’s was a very
          heart failure and fatal cardiac conduction defects.  disabling, very deadly disease. And of course
          It could afflict children, young adults, old men  the same expert forces mobilized, as they do, to
          and women, and no one seemed immune.      create the ideal Coxsackie virus vaccine to end
              During the 1960s, before China had opened  this modern-day plague. But as it turned out, all
          to the world, the disease became so significant  the Chinese needed was more selenium.
          a problem that the government invited Western
          researchers to help find Keshan’s cause and cure.  THE HIGHLY VACCINATED GENERATION
          Subsequently, these smart scientists honed in on a     Most of us, that is, most “alternative” practi-
          new and particularly virulent strain of Coxsackie  tioners, have a vague belief that it is the “terrain”
          virus that appeared to be the definitive culprit.  that determines the nature and severity of infec-
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           37

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