Page 42 - Summer2015
P. 42
The goes instantaneously into the circulation, while dermatomyositis, Graves' disease, Hashimoto’s
amount of in vaccines only a portion goes into the circula- thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis,
tory system. Still, it is reasonable to question the pernicious anemia, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid
aluminum safety of aluminum doses that are many times arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus
in the higher than those considered safe for parenteral erythematosus and type I diabetes.
Also, many people have food allergies or
hepatitis B feeding. food sensitivities associated with the proteins
According to the FDA and the AAP (Ameri-
vaccine alone can Academy of Pediatrics), at more than the in eggs, wheat and milk, ingredients sometimes
is almost maximum required dose, aluminum builds up in found in vaccines.
fourteen times the bones and brain and can be toxic. Aluminum
can cause neurological harm, including cognitive FORMALDEHYDE OR FORMALIN
the amount of impairment in healthy adults. Aluminum over- I personally became aware of what formal-
aluminum dose can be fatal in patients with weak kidneys dehyde is most commonly used for through our
that is or kidney disorders or in premature babies. Could local mortician several years ago. After my son
this be why the hepatitis B shot, given to infants died, we met with the funeral directors to begin
FDA-approved at birth, has been linked to sudden infant death planning our son’s funeral. During our grief-rid-
for an syndrome (SIDS)? den conversations, we came to the conclusion that
eight-pound AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS we needed to wait a week to have the funeral. My
father-in-law had graciously offered to make his
baby. INCLUDING ALBUMIN casket from scratch, and that takes time. Know-
What are amino acids? They are the build- ing the time constraints from death to burial (or at
ing blocks of proteins, and they make up over least what I thought I knew), I thought this might
three-quarters of the human body. So injecting be an issue. The funeral director (also the head
amino acids into the body by way of vaccination mortician) assured us it would not be a problem
is good, yes? Wrong. because the formalin used in the embalming
Vaccines contain antigens, that is, a toxin or process would preserve his precious little body
other foreign substance that induces an immune so that we wouldn’t need to worry about waiting
response in the body, especially the production of a week. “What’s formalin?” I asked. “Formalde-
antibodies. Antigens are made from foreign pro- hyde,” he answered. Formalin is an aqueous, or
teins. These foreign proteins are produced from watery, form of formaldehyde. When I learned
animals (like cows, monkeys and chickens) and that formaldehyde or formalin were ingredients
also humans (human cells from aborted fetuses, in vaccines, I felt sick to my stomach.
usually called diploid cells). Formaldehyde is toxic and is known to cause
In order to benefit the body, foreign proteins cancer. The International Agency for Research
from food such as meat, eggs or fish, require on Cancer (IARC) classifies formaldehyde as a
digestion in the gastrointestinal tract, where they human carcinogen.
are broken down into amino acids. If a foreign In 2011, the National Toxicology Program,
animal protein makes it into our bloodstream an interagency program of the Department of
without this breakdown, as in people with leaky Health and Human Services, named formalde-
gut syndrome, the body may have an autoim- hyde as a known human carcinogen. In addition,
mune response. By injecting things never meant 10-20 percent of the general population may be
to be in the bloodstream, we are not only bypass- susceptible to formaldehyde allergies and may
ing our natural defenses but wrongly activating react acutely at any exposure level.
other defenses. Formaldehyde is oxidized to formic acid
What happens when we inject amino acids which leads to acidosis and nerve damage. Aci-
and foreign animal and human protein into dosis can be described as a condition in which
the body instead of first digesting the proteins the acidity of the body tissues and fluids is ab-
to make amino acids naturally? We get auto- normally high. The liver and the kidneys may
immune disorders like Addison’s disease, celiac also be damaged.
disease-sprue (gluten-sensitive enteropathy),
42 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions
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