Page 41 - Summer2015
P. 41
This list gives an indication of the ingredi- ing TPN. Many drug products used in parenteral therapy may contain
ents in common vaccines designed for children levels of aluminum sufficiently high to cause clinical manifestations
and young adults. Let's have a close look at some . . . parenteral aluminum bypasses the protective mechanism of the GI tract
of the most common ones. and aluminum circulates and is deposited in human tissues. Aluminum
toxicity is difficult to identify in infants because few reliable techniques
ALUMINUM are available to evaluate bone metabolism in . . . infants . . . Although
Aluminum is put into vaccines as an adju- aluminum toxicity is not commonly detected clinically, it can be serious
vant to help them “work better” or to “enhance” in selected patient populations, such as neonates, and may be more com-
them. Aluminum is present in food, air, water, mon than is recognized.” 2
and soil and is said to be harmless when swal- From these documents we learn that if a premature baby receives
lowed because the body doesn't absorb it well. more than 10 mcg per day of aluminum in an IV, it can accumulate in their
But aluminum put directly into the blood stream bones and brain, and can be toxic.
is another matter. The FDA maximum requirements for aluminum received in an IV is
So what is the concern about injecting alu- 25 mcg per day. The suggested aluminum per kilogram of weight to give
minum into the blood stream? We have a very to a person is up to 5 mcg. Thus, a baby weighing five pounds should get
good idea because of medical experience giving no more than 11 mcg of aluminum.
parenteral nutrition, the intravenous administra- Anything that has more than 25 mcg of aluminum per dose requires
tion of nutrients, especially to people getting a label that says: “WARNING: This product contains aluminum that may
dialysis for kidney disease. be toxic. Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral
According to the FDA: “Aluminum may reach administration if kidney function is impaired. Premature neonates are
toxic levels with prolonged parenteral feeding particularly at risk because their kidneys are immature, and they require
. . . Research indicates that patients with im- large amounts of calcium and phosphate solutions, which contain alumi-
paired kidney function, including premature neo- num.”
nates [babies], who received parenteral levels of There is no requirement for vaccines to carry this label and also no
aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 micrograms per requirement to limit the maximum dosage to 25 mcg. As you can see in
kilogram of body weight per day, accumulate alu- the chart below, all vaccines exceed the maximum allowable aluminum
minum at levels associated with central nervous per day for babies, toddlers and children. At birth, most children are given
system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may the hepatitis B vaccination. The amount of aluminum in the hepatitis B
occur at even lower rates of administration.” vaccine alone is almost fourteen times the amount of aluminum that is
Also, according to government documents, FDA-approved for an eight-pound baby.
“Aluminum content in parenteral drug products At well-baby check-ups, it’s common for two-month, four-month,
could result in a toxic accumulation of aluminum and six-month appointments to include up to eight vaccinations, which
in individuals receiving TPN therapy. Research add up to more than 1,000 mcg of aluminum! This amount isn’t even safe
indicates that neonates and patient populations for a three-hundred-fifty-pound adult. And many children get up to eight
with impaired kidney function may be at high vaccinations per visit several times a year! By eighteen months, fully vac-
risk of exposure to unsafe amounts of aluminum. cinated babies have received almost 5000 mcg (5 grams or one teaspoon)
Studies show that aluminum may accumulate in of highly neurotoxic aluminum into the bloodstream.
the bone, urine, and plasma of infants receiv- The counter argument is that in parenteral feeding, all the aluminum
Hib (PedVaxHib brand only) 225 mcg
8-pound, healthy baby 18.16 mcg Hepatitis B 250 mcg
15-pound, healthy baby 34.05 mcg DTaP 170 to 625 mcg
30-pound, healthy toddler 68.1 mcg Pneumococcus 125 mcg
50-pound, healthy child 113 mcg Hepatitis A 250 mcg
150-pound adult 340.5 mcg HPV 225 mcg
350-pound adult 794.5 mcg Pentacel 30 mcg
Pediarix 850 mcg
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 41
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