Page 43 - Summer2015
P. 43

BENZETHONIUM CHLORIDE                     the rubella virus to abort their pregnancy.  Most people, especially children,
              Benzethonium chloride (BC) is an anti-  don’t show any symptoms of rubella, while some may get a rash all over
          microbial agent used as a preservative in some  their body. Rubella becomes dangerous when a pregnant woman is exposed
          vaccines. I have not found any evidence that BC  to the virus because it has the potential to cause severe abnormalities in
          has been tested on humans. However, the MSDS  the child. From one of these aborted children that had been exposed to
          (Material Safety Data Sheet) under section 11 in-  rubella virus, doctors developed a virus strain known as RA/27/3: Rubella;
          dicates that BC is toxic when inhaled or ingested  Abortus; twenty-seventh aborted fetus; third tissue explant. In other words,
          and is also hazardous to human skin. Based on  it took twenty-six aborted infants to get the right strain. The virus was
          animal testing, it may cause mutations in genetic  then cultivated on the lung tissue of another aborted child, and this child
          information and also cause cancer.        became known as WI-38— Wister Institute 38. WI -38 was an infant girl
              According to the MSDS, the side effects of  at three months gestation. Ironically, the Japanese, years before the first
          ingesting BC include seizures, coma, respiratory  aborted infant was used to extract the rubella virus, proved that the virus
          depression, central nervous system depression,  can be taken from a living child simply by swabbing his throat.
          convulsions, and urinary system reaction.     In the 1970s, a second human cell line was created from an infant boy
              Raise your hand if you agree BC should be  at fourteen weeks gestation and became known as MRC-5.
          tested more thoroughly. After all, we are inject-     WI-38 and MRC-5 are the most widely used cell lines to make vac-
          ing our children with this.               cinations. Labs currently use these two cell lines, as well as new sources
                                                    (that is, new aborted infants) to create new vaccines.
          GLUTARALDEHYDE                                The use of tissue from aborted infants has caused heated debate
              Glutaraldehyde is an organic compound  because it is ethically questionable. Pro-life groups, which include many
          that is used to disinfect medical and dental  churches and parents whose morals condemn profiting from aborted in-
          equipment. In vaccines it serves as a chemical  fants, continue to fight the pharmaceutical companies to produce vaccines
          preservative. Studies show that exposure to glu-  that do not contain this tissue, which we know is possible. Vaccines can
          taraldehyde can cause asthma, allergic reactions,  be made from other sources.
          induced respiratory issues and diarrhea. 7     Vaccines also contain DNA, which is harvested from aborted infants.
                                                    As adjuvants in vaccines, one hundred million bits and strands of human
          HUMAN-DERIVED PROTEINS                    DNA are allowed per dose.
              Now let's look at MRC-5, DNA and human     When our cells die, they go through a process called apoptosis, which
          serum albumin, all of which derive from either  breaks down the DNA in the cell so that it is not released into the blood-
          human tissue or human blood.              stream. But vaccines do put DNA into the bloodstream, with unknown
              In 1964, during an outbreak of rubella, some  effects.
          doctors urged women who had been exposed to     Human serum albumin is a stabilizing protein made from human

                                          SIDE EFFECTS OF FORMALDEHYDE EXPOSURE

           alteration of tissue proteins       death                             gastritis
           anemia                              depression                        gastrointestinal inflammation
           apathy                              destruction of red blood cells    headaches
           asthma                              diarrhea                          hyperactivity
           blood in urine                      difficulty concentrating          hypomenstrual syndrome
           body aches                          disorientation                    immune system sensitizer
           cardiac impairment, palpitations    dizziness                         impaired (short) attention span
             and arrhythmias                   ear aches                         inability to recall words and names
           central nervous system depression   eczema                            inconsistent IQ profiles
           changes in higher cognitive functions  emotional upsets               irritability
           chest pains and tightness           fatigue                           jaundice
           colds                               fetal asphyxiation                retarded speech pattern
           coma                                flu-like or cold-like illness     schizophrenic-type symptoms
           constipation                        formation  of  antibodies  urinary  tract  sensitivity to sound
           convulsions                         infection

 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           43

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