Page 44 - Summer2015
P. 44

So even a      blood donated by screened donors. We already  vaccines in 2004―at which time more vaccines

             thimerosol-      discussed above why injecting a protein directly  containing aluminum were added to the sched-
                              into the body is dangerous.
                                                                         ule, while mercury-laden flu vaccines were then
            free vaccine          We have human DNA, human cell lines from  recommended for infants, and two years later
                 contains     aborted infants and protein from human blood in  for pregnant women, Mercury is also used in
                300 ppb,      twenty-three commonly used vaccines. When we  the vaccine creation process and then through a
                              need a blood transfusion, or a blood donation of  purification procedure it is “removed;” however,
              more than       some kind, what is absolutely required? A match,  in some vaccines,“trace” amounts are left.
            the amount        correct? For example, if a person with type O     So how much does “trace” mean? The num-
             considered       blood receives type A+ blood, the outcome is  bers below put this into perspective:
                              fatal. There are rules of science that cannot be
                  toxic in    crossed regarding DNA and blood. It is impera-  •    2 ppb mercury is the mandated limit in

           liquid waste.      tive to be tested when receiving any type of tissue   drinking water;
                              or blood to ensure that a fatal blood or tissue type  •    200 ppb mercury in liquid waste renders it
                              isn’t put into your body.                      a toxic hazard;
                                  So we are justified in asking, how many  •   2,000 ppb mercury in flu vaccines labeled
                              of you or your children were given a blood test   “trace” amount;
                              before receiving vaccinations? We all know the  •    50,000 ppb mercury in multi-dose flu vac-
                              answer to that. It doesn’t happen. The outcome   cines given to infants, pregnant womenand
                              of mixing and not matching human blood and     everyone else.
                              tissue can be disastrous. Remember that every
                              one of those three ingredients contains human     So even a thimerosal-free vaccine that
                              DNA. Even after the protein is extracted from  contains a “trace” amount of mercury contains
                              human blood, DNA remains.                  2,000 ppb, an order of magnitude more than the
                                  When vaccine makers took most thimerosal  amount considered toxic in liquid waste.
                              out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu     Mercury is toxic to the nervous system.
                              shots, which still widely contain thimerosal),  Please watch the video called “How Mercury
                              they began making some vaccines using human  Causes Brain-Neuron Degeneration” from the
                              tissue. A study by Dr. Helen Ratajczak found that  University of Calgary.  Mercury not only stunts
                              the increase in autism corresponds to the intro-  neurological growth, it actually reverses it, or
                              duction of human DNA to the MMR vaccine.  destroys it.
                              Ratajczak also notes that an additional increased
                              spike in autism occurred in 1995 with the advent  YEAST EXTRACT AND MSG
                              of growing chicken pox virus in human fetal tis-     Yeast extract is a common name used for
                              sue. 9                                     various forms of processed yeast. Many people
                                                                         have yeast allergies, and vaccines can induce an
                              THIMEROSAL                                 anaphylactic response due to the yeast. Moreover,
                                  Thimerosal is a preservative containing  all yeast extract contains MSG.
                              approximately 50 percent mercury. Mercury is     Many people have either an allergy or a
                              the second most poisonous element known to  sensitivity to MSG. Conditions caused by MSG
                              man (next to uranium and its derivatives). When  include migraine headaches, sleeping disorders,
                              someone says, “Mercury!” we immediately think  irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, diabetes,
                              of the news stories about the child at school  Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease,
                              who broke a thermometer in biology class and  attention deficit disorder, seizures, stroke and
                              the hazmat team was called in. All the students  anaphylactic reaction.
                              were in peril. Hazmat teams are called in for     Even when a vaccine does not contain yeast
                              less mercury than the amount contained in one  extract, it will probably still contain MSG or
                              vaccine!                                   glutamic acid, because the nutrient base on which
                                  Thimerosal prevents bacteria growth in  vaccines are grown can contain up to 10 percent
                              multi-use vaccines. It was removed from many  glutamic acid.
         44                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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