Page 45 - Summer2015
P. 45
EGG PROTEIN eyes and skin.
We have already discussed why injecting This sounds like some pretty serious stuff, and millions of children
protein directly into the bloodstream is harmful. and adults are getting this injected into their bodies.
Aside from that, individuals allergic to eggs can In the “general information” for CTMB, the MSDS explains that
have a serious reaction to vaccines that contain “Symptoms of poisoning may even occur after several hours” and the
egg protein. What’s interesting is that many patient should be observed for up to forty-eight hours after coming into
parents don’t know that vaccines contain egg contact with it.
products, and doctors virtually never reveal that How many children have a reaction to a vaccine that isn’t immediate
information, even when they know that vaccines or even on the first day? Thousands. And yet if the reaction isn’t immedi-
contain egg products. When a child with an egg ate, medical professional are even quicker to dismiss the possibility of a
allergy has a reaction to a vaccine, doctors often vaccine reaction.
deny even the possibility that the vaccine caused
the reaction. 2-PHENOXYETHANOL
2-phenoxyethanol is used as an antibacterial agent in vaccines.
CETYLTRIMETHYLAMMONIUM According to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), we find that it is
BROMIDE (CTMB) toxic if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. It is a severe
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide is a skin and eye irritant, and it may cause reproductive defects.
cationic surfactant. It’s used for many things, According to the EPA data sheets, it has been shown to cause
including as a buffer solution for extracting chromosomal changes and genetic mutations in tests, as well as
DNA. According to its Material Safety Data testicular atrophy and interference with reproductivity in mice. 13
Sheet (MSDS) we find out that CTMB is labeled The known side effects of 2-phenoxyethanol exposure are headache,
as “hazardous.” It is a skin irritant, a serious shock, convulsions, weakness, kidney damage, cardiac failure, kidney
eye irritant, hazardous if inhaled and harmful if failure and death.
swallowed. It may cause respiratory irritation,
and it is dangerous to the environment, particu- POLYSORBATE 80
larly to aquatic life. Polysorbate 80 (brand names include Alkest, Canarcel and Tween)
In almost all cases of any kind of contact is a nonionic surfactant, a compound that lowers the surface tension be-
with CTMB, the MSDS advises contacting a tween two liquids or between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants may act as
medical professional. It warns that CTMB should detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, foaming agents and dispersants.
never touch any part of the human body—yet In vaccines, polysorbate 80 helps disperse all the ingredients—including
vaccine manufacturers are allowed to include it aluminum and mercury—evenly in the liquid.
in vaccines. They key danger of polysorbate 80 is that it assists in the delivery of
Under Section 8, Exposure Controls/person- compounds—including mercury and aluminum—across the blood-brain
al protection, the MSDS advises to keep CTMB barrier (BBB). The blood-brain barrier is weak and easily trespassed dur-
away from foodstuffs, beverages and feed, to ing the first two or three years of life and often during the senior years. In
remove all soiled and contaminated clothing other age groups the BBB normally restricts passage of substances from
immediately, to wash hands before breaks and the bloodstream. But an article by pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky
at the end of work, and to avoid contact with the suggests that, even for the latter, polysorbate 80 in vaccines may allow
Vaccines are made using several different processes. They may contain live viruses that have been attenuated (weakened
or altered); inactivated or killed organisms or viruses; inactivated toxins (for bacterial diseases where toxins generated by the
bacteria, and not the bacteria themselves, cause illness); or merely segments of the pathogen (this includes both subunit and
conjugate vaccines). People getting live virus vaccines can and do spread the disease for up to several weeks after receiving
the innoculant. Live virus vaccines include:
Influenza (nasal spray)
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR combined vaccine)
Varicella (chickenpox)
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 45
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