Page 48 - Summer2015
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According           Anyone concerned about mandatory vac-  endangered by epidemics of disease' (197 U.S.

            to the CDC,       cination should read this document, posted at  at 37, 25 S.Ct. at 366). The Court elaborated on
                                                                        the tension between personal freedom and public
                     court  downloads/vacc_mandates_chptr13.pdf. The  health inherent in liberty: 'The liberty secured
          decisions not       underlying premise is the germ theory of disease,  by the Constitution of the United States to every
              only allow      with no acknowledgment of the role that sanita-  person within its jurisdiction does not import an
                              tion and good nutrition play in protecting us from  absolute right in each person to be, at all times
                 states to  illness. Public health authorities seem unable to  and in all circumstances, wholly freed from
                  require     question the notion that only vaccinations can  restraint. There are manifold restraints to which
           vaccinations,      protect us against disease.                every person is necessarily subject for the com-
                                                                         mon good. On any other basis organized society
         but give them  POLICE POWER                                     could not exist with safety to its members' (197
                    police        According to the CDC, court decisions not  U.S. at 26, 25 S.Ct. at 361).”
               powers to      only allow states to require vaccinations, but give   Actually,  Jacobson v. Massachuseetts did
                              them police powers to enforce them. On page  not force the vaccine―it allowed the person
         enforce them.        271 of the aforementioned document we read:  to pay a fine of five dollars (about one hundred
                              “The first state law mandating vaccination was  twenty-five dollars in today's money) for refus-
                              enacted in Massachusetts in 1809; in 1855, Mas-  ing. However, CDC and other agencies interpret
                              sachusetts became the first state to enact a school  this legal decision as allowing doctors and public
                              vaccination requirement. The constitutional basis  health officials to overlook the terrible side ef-
                              of vaccination requirements rests in the police  fects of vaccines as necessary for “the greater
                              power of the state. Nearly one hundred years  good.”
                              ago, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its landmark
                              ruling in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, upholding  SCHOOL VACCINATION LAWS
                              the right of states to compel vaccination. The     Regarding vaccination as a requirement for
                              Court held that a health regulation requiring  school attendance, the CDC document states on
                              smallpox vaccination was a reasonable exercise  page 272: “The Supreme Court in 1922 addressed
                              of the state's police power that did not violate the  the constitutionality of childhood vaccination
                              liberty rights of individuals under the Fourteenth  requirements in Zucht v. King. The Court denied
                              Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The police  a due process Fourteenth Amendment chal-
                              power is the authority reserved to the states by  lenge to the constitutionality of city ordinances
                              the Constitution and embraces 'such reasonable  that excluded children from school attendance
                              regulations established directly by legislative  for failure to present a certificate of vaccina-
                              enactment as will protect the public health and  tion holding that 'these ordinances confer not
                              the public safety' (197 U.S. at 25,25 S.Ct at 361).  arbitrary power, but only that broad discretion
                                  “In Jacobson, the commonwealth of Mas-  required for the protection of the public health'”
                              sachusetts had enacted a statute that authorized  (260 U.S. at 177, 43 S.Ct. at 25).
                              local boards of health to require vaccination.     “More recently, in the face of a measles
                              Jacobson challenged his conviction for refusal  epidemic in Maricopa County, Arizona, the
                              to be vaccinated against smallpox as required by  Arizona Court of Appeals rejected the argument
                              regulations of the Cambridge Board of Health.  that an individual's right to education would
                              While acknowledging the potential for vac-  trump the state's need to protect against the
                              cines to cause adverse events and the inability  spread of infectious disease short of confirmed
                              to determine with absolute certainty whether a  cases of measles in the particular school. Given
                              particular person can be safely vaccinated, the  the nature of the spread of measles and the lag
                              Court specifically rejected the idea of an exemp-  time in getting laboratory confirmation of cases,
                              tion based on personal choice. To do otherwise  the court in Maricopa County Health Depart-
                              'would practically strip the legislative department  ment v. Harmon was satisfied that it is prudent
                              of its function to [in its considered judgment] care  to take action to combat disease by excluding
                              for the public health and the public safety when  unvaccinated children from school when there
         48                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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