Page 51 - Summer2015
P. 51
However the state, as a corporation, cannot more money for each “fully vaccinated” child in their practice.
own a living flesh and blood man, woman or • Those manufacturing and administering vaccines have been given an
child. It can only own other corporations such as exemption for liability should these concoctions cause injury, illness
the strawman—the legal construct that it created or even death. This unjustly places the costs (liability) of any injury or
via the birth certificate. The corporate govern- loss onto the parent, patient, student or employee—not on the vaccine
ment of the state is parens patriae of your child’s requester.
birth certificate. • Most vaccine requesters intentionally withhold the vaccine package
However, while public health employees insert thus denying the parent, patient, student or employee real in-
believe they have the authority to vaccinate and formation about the health risks they are being asked to take. There
even kidnap your living flesh and blood off- are even documented cases of parents being jailed for injuries that
spring, it simply isn’t true. The only authority resulted from childhood vaccines.
they have is over this piece of paper, the birth
certificate. Instead of contracting with them The vaccination notice is designed to notify the school that you do
or consenting to being the STRAWMAN, you not choose to have your son, daughter or self vaccinated with products
can notify them that you do not wish to con- the manufacturer doesn’t stand behind and that you refuse to accept the
tract or consent by giving them a vaccination liability for any vaccine injury or illness that might occur from the vac-
notice. When government is a corporation, not cinations. It states clearly that if the school wishes to accept the liability
a king, it is not sovereign. It is merely a legal you will reconsider your position. They will never accept the liability in
construct—words on a piece of paper stored in a writing, you can be sure. No one can force you to have toxic substances
safe somewhere. And all corporations are bound injected into you or your child while they remain immune from the dam-
by the laws of contract! age that might ensue.
You can download the templates and select the one you wish to use—
THE VACCINATION NOTICE modify it to suit your needs: parentsagainstmandatoryvaccinesdotnet.
The following is not legal advice. It is merely
the sharing of ideas, understandings and sugges- Be sure to read the instructions carefully. It is essential to read, un-
tions for declining the vaccine requests of physi- derstand and agree with the notice before you sign and deliver it.
cians, educational institutions and employers. Delivering the notice requires little discussion. Just hand it to the
It is time to place our educated decision— clerk responsible for the collection of student paperwork. Explain that it
and denial of consent—regarding vaccinations is a lawful notice to be placed in your (or your child’s) record. Should you
on the record. The creation of a legal notice can be asked where you obtained the notice, simply say from another parent,
accomplish this. The concept of notice is critical which is true. Giving more information is not required nor recommended.
to the integrity of legal proceedings. Due process Citing websites or vaccine aware groups or authors just serves to motivate
requires that legal action cannot be taken against those in the vaccination-distribution-business to track down and discredit
anyone unless the requirements of notice and an (or worse) the folks that are doing their best to bring good information to
opportunity to be heard are observed. the public. The less said the better. Let the notice speak for you.
The vaccination notice also allows you the Should the clerk refuse, politely remind him or her that that decision
opportunity to educate those requesting the vac- is not his or hers to make as the notice is for both the “agent” and the
cination—as an enormous sytem of propaganda “principal.” You may have to remind the employee that neither the clerk
regarding vaccines has been in place for a very nor his or her supervisor can make decisions for the “principal.” Keep a
long time. For the most part those requesting copy of the notice for yourself. Always remain polite, never threatening.
vaccinations believe these toxic concoctions are Should the school employee refuse to place the notice in the record, write
benign and beneficial (safe and effective). Most on the vaccination notice “refused by agent (name) on (date)” in the space
vaccination requesters don’t know or understand at the top of the notice. Then take it home and send it certified mail (with
that: return receipt) to the superintendent (or dean of admissions). Include the
short explanatory letter given in the link.
• The public health department, the CDC and
the state are all corporations. Basically our REFERENCES
Barefoots World – Parens Patriae,
entire government is a franchised network 2. Stamper, Melvin. Fruit from a Poisonous Tree. iUniverse (October 30, 2008) p. 59.
of corporations.
• Physicians connected to certain HMOs get
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 51
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