Page 55 - Summer2015
P. 55

THEY WANT MORE                                The issue at hand is non-medical or parental vaccine exemptions.
              These high compliance rates, in the low- to  According to the National Vaccine Information Center, seventeen states
          mid-90th percentile, weren’t reached until the  provide for a philosophical exemption, forty-eight states offer a religious
          1990s. Public health could give itself a gold star  exemption, and two states (Mississippi and West Virginia) have no choice
          for achieving these rates. But they’re not satisfied.  at all.  This was pre-Disneyland.
          They want more.                               And the post-Disneyland response? State legislatures across the
              All fifty states have medical exemptions to  country, propelled by industry lobbyists, are moving to eliminate parental
          mandatory vaccination. This is not the issue at  vaccine exemptions, or to restrict them so severly that they are effectively
          hand. Medical exemptions are not a realistic op-  eliminated. Since late last year, parental vaccine exemptions are or have
          tion for most children. For starters, they’re almost  been under fire in eighteen states representing well over half of the U.S.
          impossible to get. The CDC’s list of accepted  population. During the brief window that I was writing this article, Vermont
          medical contraindications to vaccination  is so  became the first state in the country to remove a philosophical exemption
          narrow that a child must be sacrificed, or nearly  to compulsory vaccination.
          sacrificed, before a parent learns that the child     It’s not enough that vaccines are mandatory for day care and school
          cannot be vaccinated. The CDC is so clear that  admission, and over 99 percent of children are vaccinated. They want to
          most sick and immunocompromised children  eliminate the idea that you could have a choice. They want every last one.
          should be vaccinated that it published “Condi-
          tions Commonly Misperceived as Contraindica-  HERE’S WHAT THEY’RE NOT TELLING YOU
          tions to Vaccination”  lest parents and clinicians     Measles is not deadly. The CDC reported no measles deaths from
          falsely assume that the following serious condi-  the Disneyland cases and told Fox News that there have been no measles
          tions qualify as valid reasons to skip vaccination:  deaths in over ten years.  (This CDC report, however, lists two deaths,
          fever greater than one hundred five degrees, im-  one each in 2009 and 2010. ) The World Health Organization states that
          munosuppression, seizures, autoimmune disease  measles mortality is clinically insignificant.
          and nonvaccine allergies. Not even a family     The official health journal of the U.S. Public Health Service asserts
          history of injury, death, seizures or sudden in-  that measles is benign; we’ve had a stable relationship with measles for
          fant death syndrome following vaccination will  centuries; complications are infrequent; fatality is rare; and after contract-
          qualifiy a child for a medical exemption. Even  ing measles, immunity is solid and lifelong.  And for those who have
          a child who has already had a vaccine reaction  succumbed to the narrative that the measles vaccine has saved millions
          will have trouble getting an exemption— doctors  of U.S. children’s lives, take a look at the chart below from the CDC’s
          hate to give them and many refuse outright.   Department of Vital Statistics.

 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           55

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