Page 56 - Summer2015
P. 56

The        There’s an untold story about measles that      They are attempting to control the conversa-

           inconvenient       has been suppressed because it doesn’t fit today’s  tion and force total compliance.
                              PR-engineered tale of vaccine triumphalism. The
                    truth?    inconvenient truth? Measles deaths in America  A MASTER CLASS ON HEALTH FREEDOM
              Americans       had declined by over 98 percent and in England     Educated citizens,  however, know that
           had stopped        by almost 100 percent by the time the measles  there’s more to this than meets the eye. And
                              vaccine was first used. And this huge decline in  any conversation that’s worth having is one that
                 dying of     mortality before a vaccine is brought into use is  goes both ways. We reject their curriculum. It’s
         measles many         true of almost every infectious disease for which  time for a new master class— one that’s about
                 decades      there is a vaccine on the childhood and adult  personal responsibility, individual agency and
                              schedules. In fact, many infectious diseases such  collective advocacy:
              before the      as scarlet fever declined to zero mortality without

                 measles      any widespread use of a vaccine.           1.  Take back the science for yourself.
                                  That’s not to say that people aren’t dying of  2.  Reassert control over your body—the deci-
            vaccine was         infections in the U.S. They are— to the tune of   sions belong to you.
               invented.      one hundred thousand per year. They’re dying of  3.  Look into the eyes of the children and accept
                              healthcare-associated infections in hospitals.    the truth.
                              Many of our hospitals have woefully subpar  4.  Above all, fight for your rights. Fight for
                              hygiene and infection prevention practices.   health freedom. Or it will be gone.
                              Procedures such as meticulous hand hygiene
                              and cleaning of equipment and rooms between     Here’s my course description on health
                              patients are known to reduce infections by up to  freedom.
                              75 percent.
                                  One hundred thousand deaths and no one  RECLAIM THE AFFIRMATIVE MESSAGE
                              is clamoring to legislate mandatory hygiene     Who says that industry, government, and
                              practices in hospitals.                    organized medicine get to define the narrative?
                                  Zero measles deaths, total PR hysteria, and  We’re not against. We’re for. We’re for indepen-
                              state governments are poised to legislate away  dent science. We’re for health freedom. We’re for
                              your right to choose.                      our rights.

                              A MASTER CLASS TO FORCE TOTAL              GO TO SCHOOL ON HUMAN RIGHTS
                              VACCINE COMPLIANCE                            UNESCO, the United Nations Educational,
                                  Government, industry, and organized medi-  Scientific, and Cultural Organization, has over
                              cine have been co-teaching a master class on how  one hundred ninety member countries around the
                              to turn one hundred thirty-six cases of measles  world. In 2005, UNESCO drafted the Universal
                              at Disneyland into a permanent public health  Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. 27
                              emergency and force total vaccine compliance.  It’s a foundational document that establishes
                                  Here’s their curriculum:               informed consent as the international human
                                                                         rights standard around the world. I urge you to
                              1.  Commandeer the science using industry-  read it; it’s spectacular. Here are some highlights,
                                  sponsored research, then close the book.   paraphrased for simplicity:
                              2.  Claim dominance over women’s bodies,
                                  medicalize pregnancy, and use fear to com-  •   Because human beings have a unique capac-
                                  pel vaccination.                          ity to give expression to ethical principles…
                              3.  Teach parents to ignore the brain damage in  •   Because of rapid developments in science
                                  children that’s all around us. Just realize it’s   and technology…
                                  always been there, and understand that we’re  •   Because we should respect human dignity…
                                  simply better at seeing it.               and observe human rights and fundamental
                              4.  Demonize parents and obliterate the right to   freedoms…
                                  choose.                                •   Because health isn’t just about science and
         56                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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