Page 60 - Summer2015
P. 60
Holistic Remedies to
Address Vaccine Injury
by Kim Schuette, CN
single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the
equivalent of giving a one-hundred-eighty-pound
adult thirty vaccinations on the same day,” states
Haley Boyd, PhD, toxicologist and retired professor of
chemistry at the University of Kentucky. No wonder many
physicians and other health practitioners are reporting a
growing number of children and young adults experienc-
ing neurological problems such as seizures and loss of eye
contact, and dermatological symptoms like eczema after
receiving vaccines.
There are a number of factors to consider when it comes to supporting a
child injured from vaccines. Among these are providing a high quality diet
to heal the mucous membranes of the gut and blood-brain barrier, address-
ing nutritional deficiencies, supporting the body’s structural function and
assisting the body’s organs of elimination through proper and gentle drain-
age and detoxification. The modalities presented in this article should be
implemented under the care of a qualified health care practitioner.
60 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions
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