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Medicine by Louisa Williams, DC, ND. mudpacks using a variety of therapeutic clays placed over the vaccine
Dr. Gérard Guéniot was a pioneer in the site, as well as the liver and kidneys, are another useful tool for assisting
field of drainage. He was a French physician, the body in drawing out toxicity. Soaking baths using clay, Epsom salt,
later practicing in Belgium, who trusted in the baking soda, magnesium flakes and Celtic sea salt are additional tools for
“healing power of nature” and used homeopathic easing the process of healing.
remedies to treat all of his patients—with tre- As mentioned above, the sooner an issue is addressed after its onset,
mendous success. He worked with remedies that the more clear the picture and the more expedient the process. Above all,
are understood to encourage cellular growth and maintaining a hopeful and positive attitude on behalf of those who are
intercellular connection, focusing around brain suffering is vital. We must believe in the power of our bodies to heal.
tissues and brain functions. Numerous doctors We must also be strong enough to think for ourselves and not rely on big
and practitioners, including Jorge Moreno, DO, industry to tell us what is best for us and for those we love. Love is our
Mikhael Adams, ND, Robert Abel, ND, and most powerful tool. It drives us to amazing feats. May it drive us to be
Dickson Thom, ND, incorporate Dr. Guéniot’s instruments of healing in this world.
principles into their treatment of patients with
vaccine injuries. I have found these principles Kim Schuette, CN, has worked in the field of nutrition since 1999. She
and associated remedies to be extremely sup- established Biodynamic Wellness where she practices with a team of three
portive in my practice when addressing vaccine other nutritionists. She introduced the GAPS Diet to clients in 2006, and
injuries as well as a myriad of other acute and in 2011 became a Certified GAPS Practitioner. She is an award-winning
chronic disorders. activist for her work in children’s and preconception nutrition. Kim serves
on the board of directors of the Weston A. Price Foundation. She is the
MUDPACKS AND SOAKS mother of three healthy children (two adults and one teenager). Kim re-
Lastly, therapies that directly support the sides in Encinitas, California with her husband and their youngest son.
skin can be extremely beneficial. Specialized For more information, go to and
Dallas, Texas, October 2-4, 2015, register at
The Weston A. Price Foundation, since the beginning, has advocated nurturing therapies and non-toxic remedies to
promote human and animal health. We are proud to be a sponsor of the first-ever international conference for the worldwide
promotion, education and encouragement of Homeoprophylaxis (HP), a proven, effective and safe alternative to vaccines.
For more than two hundred years, in fact since the days of Samuel Hahnemann, this non-invasive method of protect-
ing against disease has benefitted millions of people around the world. Homeoprophylaxis is taken orally, not injected, and
there are no additives or preservatives that increase risk. This method of educating and strengthening the immune system,
along with the WAPF nutrient-dense diet, offers the promise of lifelong immunity. Unlike conventional vaccines which tend
to lose their effectiveness over time, this method educates and informs the immune system, improving long term health
outcomes. This landmark event will bring together experts from around the world who are using HP in their practice. Speak-
ers include:
• Dr. Isaac Golden of Australia will bring his twenty years of clinical research and share the remarkable success of HP in
his Australian health clinic.
• Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, immunologist, is the author of the book Vaccine Illusion. She will speak about how the
immune system functions and why the rush to repeal vaccine exemptions is unwarranted.
• Ravi Roy and Carola Lage-Roy from Germany will speak on the use of HP plus address vaccine injury in Europe.
• Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who himself has been the target of persecution for delving into causes of autism, will give a
special update on the CDC Whistleblower case.
• Dr. Harry van der Zee of the Netherlands will shed light on epidemics and the use of natural treatments to stop their
• Alan Phillips, Esq, the leading attorney in the United States on vaccine exemption laws, will explain the legal rights of
parents and how to exercise those rights.
• Cilla Whatcott, author of There is a Choice—Homeoprophylaxis, will address the critical role of parents in a child’s health
care decisions.
Health practitioners who attend will learn how HP has been implemented for infectious disease, childhood disease,
travel and epidemics. Exhibitors will offer educational materials and more to help both practitioners and patients embrace
this traditional yet novel way to prevent disease.
64 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions
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