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personnel to distribute. This flexibility allows adaptation of HP to most 4. de Souza Nunes LA (2008). Contribution of homeopathy
local conditions and to the poorest of populations. to the control of an outbreak of dengue in Macaé, Rio de
Janeiro. International Journal of High Dilution Research;
Unlike vaccines, which are often targeted to specific age groups, HP 7(25): 186-192.
can be safely taken by people at any age, leaving no uncovered population at 5. Bracho G, Varela E, Fernández R, et al. Large-scale
application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis
risk. The clinical effects develop quickly, not requiring months to produce epidemic control. Homeopathy 2010; 99: 156-166.
effectiveness. And lastly, HP can be combined with other interventions 6. Chavanon, P. 1952. La Dipterie, 4th Ed, St Denis, Niort:
and strategies. 7. Imprimerie.
Eisfelder, H. “Poliomyelitis Immunization: A Final Re-
According to Dr. Bracho, low cost, easy and swift production, com- port.” Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
bined with easy storage and simple administration makes HP an excellent 8. V. 54, Nov-Dec 1961, pp. 166-167.
Hufeland. 1828.Prophylactic Power of Belladonna in
choice for increasing global impact on epidemics. Scarlet Fever, Hufeland’s Journal.
Homeoprophylaxis has provided two hundred years of clinical evi- 9. Mronisnski C, Adriano E & Mattos G. (1998/99) Menin-
dence showing us that it is safe, devoid of any toxic components, and also gococcinum: Its protective effect against Meningococcal
disease, Homeopathic Links, Vol 14 Winter 2001, 230-
yields positive long term health effects. Additionally, homeoprophylaxis 234.
appears from documented evidence to provide a level of protection that is 10. English, J.M. “Pertussin 30—Preventive for whooping
cough? A pilot study,” The British Homeopathic Journal,
comparable to or better than vaccines, meaning that parents have genuine April 1987, Vol. 76, p. 61—65.
choices available when it comes to preventing potentially serious infectious 11. Eaton, C.W. Variolinum. Transactions of the American
Institute of Homeopathy, 1907. P. 547-567.
diseases. 12. Von Boenninghausen, C. Baron. Vide Concerning the
Curative Effects of Thuja in Smallpox. Lesser Writings.
Cilla Whatcott, HD RHom, CCH is a practicing homeopath and mother 13. 2015 Retrieved from:
of children from China, Taiwan, the Marshall Islands, and Russia. She 14. Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G. Meningococcin,
is actively engaged in research, education, and application of homeo- its Protective Effect against Meningococcal Disease,
Homœopathic LINKS Winter, 2001 Vol 14 (4) 230-4
prophylaxis and is the author of The Solution and There Is a Choice. She 15. Golden, Isaac (2012). The Complete Practitioner’s Manual
can be reached at: Cilla will be speaking at of Homeoprophylaxis. Victoria, Australia. p 93.
the first international conference about homeoprophylaxis for parents, 16. PubMed 2014. Retrieved from:
pubmed/20674839 Bracho G1, Varela E, Fernández R, Or-
practitioners and health providers. daz B, Marzoa N, Menéndez J, García L, Gilling E, Leyva
R, Rufín R, de la Torre R, Solis RL, Batista N, Borrero
1. Rajan A, Bagai U. Antimalarial potential of China 30 and Chelidonium 30 in combination R, Campa C. Large-scale application of highly-diluted
therapy against lethal rodent malaria parasite: Plasmodium berghei. Journal of Comple- bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control. Homeopathy.
mentary & Integrative Medicine. 2010 Jul;99(3):156-66. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2010.05.009.
2. Bandyopadhyay B, Das S, Sengupta M, Saha C, Das KC, Sarkar D, Nayak C (2010). 17. Bracho, Gustavo. (April 25, 2015) Treating Epidemics
Decreased intensity of Japanese encephalitis virus infection in chick chorioallantoic with Homeopathy [Webinar]. From Riverdale Homeopa-
membrane under influence of ultradiluted belladonna extract. American Journal of Infec- thy at
tious Diseases; 6(2): 24-28. 18. Golden, Isaac (2012). The Complete Practitioner’s Manual
3. Bradford, T. L., (Compiled by) 1900. The Logic of Figures or Comparative Results of of Homeoprophylaxis. Victoria, Australia. p 118.
Homeopathic and Other Treatments. p.130. Philadephia: Boericke and Tafel. Reprinted by
Nabu Public Domain Reprints. 2010. (Original Bradford source: North American Journal
of Homeopathy, volume 4, p.298.)
Since we know that artificial immunity from vaccination wanes over time, homeoprophylaxis (HP) may be a wise
alternative for protecting naturally. Educating the immune system by giving an energetic dose of Morbillinum (measles) can
provide a safe, non-toxic form of the disease.
The American Journal of Epidemiology (1985 Dec;122(6):1017-31) even suggests a protective effect from later, more
debilitating diseases such as Parkinson’s for those contracting measles during childhood. Mother Nature knew what she
was doing when she designed measles as a benign childhood disease.
Morbillinum can be administered by any homeopath with an understanding of homeoprophylaxis. It can only be
purchased at homeopathic pharmacies in the form of small pellets taken by mouth and can be taken as a single disease
for just a few doses, or in conjunction with an entire program that covers all the childhood diseases. While no studies have
been conducted on Morbillinum singularly, it was included in the fifteen-year study by Dr. Golden using HP in place of all
the recommended vaccines.
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