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poor body mechanics early in life is through osteopathic manipulative of the body and repair damaged cells. Each of
treatment from a well-trained cranial-sacral osteopathic physician. As our magnificently designed bodies possesses an
explained by Jorge Moreno, DO, in Montebello, California, “Osteopathic innate drive towards healing and functionality.
manipulative treatment supports neurophysiology as well as the bio- Drainage remedies offer the body the opportu-
mechanics of the body, allowing the whole system to function to its full nity to regenerate and restore cellular function.
capacity. Homeostasis is always the goal.” Dr. Moreno works successfully Biotherapeutic drainage is a process that varies
with many vaccine-injured children using osteopathic manipulative treat- with each person and takes time. For optimal
ments and drainage therapies for elimination of toxins. results it is important to work with a well-trained
practitioner when using drainage remedies and to
GENTLE DRAINAGE be on a nutrient-dense diet, having removed all
An essential aspect of supporting injuries from vaccines involves known obstacles to healing. To learn more about
gentle drainage, which allows all the emunctories (organs of elimination) identifying and removing obstacles that block
to more safely and adequately eliminate toxins stored in various tissues healing, I highly recommend reading Radical
So what exactly is drainage? And what isn’t it? Drainage is not the same as detoxification. Detoxification typically in-
volves therapies designed to eliminate specific toxins from particular organs, such as a parasite cleanse, a colon cleanse or
a heavy metal detox for the liver or kidneys. Drainage takes into consideration the individual’s metabolic status, his level of
health and vitality, as well as degeneration, and the function of the person’s main emunctories (organs and tissues of toxin
elimination), which include the liver and gallbladder, the kidneys, the intestinal tract, the lungs and the skin. The secondary
emunctories are all the mucosal membranes of the body. These tissues act as eliminatory routes when the primary organs
are overwhelmed or inefficient in their function. They basically become back-up drainage systems for the body.
Any therapy that encourages the body to eliminate toxins can be considered a drainage therapy. This includes saunas,
Epsom salt baths and all forms of hydrotherapy and massage; however, biotherapeutic drainage is generally thought of as
comprising botanical and homeopathic (single and complex) remedies. Homeopathy originated with German doctor Samuel
Hahnemann in 1789. In the 1920s Dr. Antoine Nebel, a Swiss physician, refined Hahnemann’s work into a protocol that
eventually became known as “drainage.” Dr. Nebel used nosode remedies, which are strong homeopathic remedies that
mobilize the immune system to address disease. He then added secondary remedies to target specific organs or tissues,
making the process gentler. Through the work of others such as Vannier, Discry and Ruetter, drainage remedies expanded to
what we now have through homeopathic companies, such as UNDA in Belgium. UNDA Numbered Compounds combine
Chinese medicine, homeopathy and oligo elements (minerals) to create gentle but powerful drainage remedies that can be
used by all ages.
Gérard Guéniot, medical doctor and homeopath, developed what was called the “brain protocol.” Dr. Guéniot taught
that the brain has four stages of maturity and that each stage corresponds with the development of the primary endocrine
glands. The first stage, known as the adrenal phase, develops between conception and eighteen months of age; the second
stage, the thyroid phase, matures between eighteen months and seven years of age; the pituitary phase, the third phase,
completes development at puberty; and the fourth stage, the gonadal phase, takes place between puberty and about twenty
years of age. Injuries, emotional traumas, toxic exposures and serious illnesses can disrupt the otherwise normal healthy
process of brain and endocrine growth and development. Dr. Guéniot understood that human development was initiated
through various hormonal surges. For instance, the release of the pituitary hormone oxytocin begins the birthing process.
It is also the surge of pituitary hormones that later initiate puberty. Digestive processes are also dependent upon hormone
secretions, just as other processes are stimulated by the release of adrenal hormones and thyroid hormones. Guéniot con-
cluded that a very strong interconnectedness links the development of the glands, digestive organs, nervous system and the
resultant immune function.
Dr. Guéniot’s protocol aims to restore function that has been disrupted. It incorporates gentle drainage using UNDA
Numbered Compounds along with organotherapy and cell salts, after sufficient preliminary drainage and nutrition has been
implemented. His brain protocol offers a key piece of the process of remediating injury from toxic exposures.
And lastly, a favorite drainage therapy is gemmotherapy. Gemmotherapy, also known as plant stem cell therapy, was
developed in the mid-1900s by Pol Henry, a Belgium physician, and further developed by Max Tetau, MD. Gemmotherapy
utilizes the embryonic portions (rootlets, buds, sap or bark) of botanicals. These potent remedies have the ability not only to
decongest organs and encourage tissues to release toxins, but also contain very regenerative qualities that restore function
to tissues and organs. Gemmotherapy is very compatible with constitutional remedies. For more details about the use of
gemmotherapy and other drainage remedies please see Dr. Louisa Williams’ excellent book, Radical Medicine.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 63
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