Page 62 - Summer2015
P. 62

Natural     found in the DTaP vaccine interferes with reti-  in their ability to methylate certain B vitamins

               vitamin A      noid receptors in the brain in genetically at-risk  properly. The best source of easily absorbable
                              children. This toxin separates the G-alpha pro-
                                                                         B vitamins, especially B  and folate, is liver.
                     helps    tein from retinoid receptors. Those most at risk  Liver can be taken supplementally in desiccated
              reconnect       report a family history of at least one parent with  form or enjoyed in dishes such as liver pâté, liver
                 retinoid     a pre-existing G-alpha protein defect, including  and onions, frozen and grated into smoothies or
                              night blindness, pseudo-hypoparathyroidism or  vegetable juices, as well as combined with carne
               receptors      adenoma of the thyroid or pituitary gland. Natu-  asada topped with salsa and guacamole. There
               critical for   ral vitamin A helps reconnect retinoid receptors  are plenty of creative ways to get liver into the
                   vision,    critical for vision, sensory perception, language  diet.  In addition to the above-mentioned vita-
                              processing and attention in autistic children. To
                  sensory     ensure bioavailable vitamin A, a daily dose of  mins, it is wise to make sure those suffering

             perception,      Green Pasture fermented cod liver oil is advis-  from vaccine injuries are replete in minerals
                language      able. Additional dietary sources of vitamin A  and trace minerals. Dietary and supplemental
                              are found in beef, chicken, duck, goose and lamb  minerals in the body assist it in displacing and
              processing      liver as well as egg yolks.                ridding itself of toxic minerals like mercury and
                       and        Vitamin C also is an important player for  aluminum. Daily inclusion of homemade bone

            attention in      those injured by vaccines. Vitamin C is best  broth and Celtic sea salt are ideal choices for
                              known for its antioxidant effect. It can safely be  re-mineralization. Original Quinton minerals
                  autistic    used before and after vaccines to minimize the  provide an excellent supplement for restoring
                children.     inevitable oxidative stress that affects biomol-  the body’s mineral reserves.
                              ecules when toxins are injected into the body.
                              Vitamin C has also been shown to neutralize  REMOVE THE OBSTACLES TO HEALING
                              the toxic nature of mercury (thimerosal). Those     The next step is to eliminate all toxic chemi-
                              choosing to vaccinate would be wise to give  cals used in the home and lawn, in personal care
                              vitamin C before and after injections as it helps  products and cleaning products. I’ve created a list
                              protect the kidneys from damage due to exposure  of preferred products, at biodynamicwellness.
                              to mercury.                                com. All bedding and clothing should also be
                                  After years of study in New South Wales,  non-toxic. Children should wear clothing made
                              where aboriginal children experienced an unusu-  from natural fibers like cotton, linen or silk.
                              ally high mortality rate after receiving immuni-  Bed linens should also be of non-toxic, natural,
                              zations, Archie Kalokerinos, MD, realized that  breathable materials.
                              the aboriginal people were very low in vitamin
                              C. Dr. Kalokerinos began supplementing the  STRUCTURAL SUPPORT
                              children with relatively high dosages of vitamin     It is important to establish a good to great
                              C before and after vaccinations. The result was  relationship with an experienced qualified cranial
                              a greatly lowered death rate associated with vac-  sacral practitioner. Such a practitioner should be
                              cines among the aboriginal children.       able to offer proper support before and after im-
                                  My preference is to utilize liposomal vitamin  munizations for those who choose to vaccinate,
                              C such as QuickSilver Scientifics’ Etheric Vita-  as well as offer remediation for those suffering
                              min C or food-based vitamin C from Standard  from side effects from the vaccines. I have ob-
                              Process or the Synergy Company. Giving vita-  served much benefit through cranial sacral osteo-
                              min C in a food-based form prevents deficien-  pathic treatments from birth and especially for
                              cies of copper and other co-factors found in the  those injured from immunizations. Chiropractors
                              whole C complex, which can arise when giving  specializing in neurological chiropractic care can
                              high dosages of the isolated fractions of the C  also be very supportive and should be considered.
                              complex.                                      Osteopathic treatment facilitates improved
                                  Due to a myriad of toxic environmental  neurologic function by resolving the effects of
                              exposures (including prenatal exposures), more  compressive forces acquired in utero or during
                              and more individuals are found to have defects  birth. One of the most significant ways to address
         62                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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