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technology… just about human rights law. Divine law, natural Many of these
• Because ethical issues in medicine can affect law, and the laws of this land, the United States
all of us, from individuals and families, to of America, uphold fundamental freedoms and bills are
communities and all of mankind… inalienable rights. These rights cannot be sur- attempting
• Because innovation cannot be invoked at the rendered. They aren’t supposed to be voted on. to legislate
expense of our rights and freedoms… They belong to you and to me.
• Because a person’s identity is comprised But governments will try because that’s away what’s
of many significant, valuable dimensions, what they do, as any student of history can tell rightfully ours.
including social, cultural, psychological, and us. They overreach. They attempt to pass bills
spiritual components… that sweep too broadly. Today, there are over
• Precisely because of all these magnificent one hundred bills in thirty-four states seeking to
things… increase vaccine mandates; expand state police
• Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic powers; facilitate monitoring and enforcement;
medical intervention is only to be carried out and eliminate our right to choose.
with the prior, free and informed consent of You may think these bills are about public
the person concerned, based on adequate health and children, but they’re not. Many of
information. The consent should, where these bills are attempting to legislate away what’s
appropriate, be expressed and may be with- rightfully ours. They’re a land grab and nothing
drawn by the person concerned at any time less than our bodies and our rights are at stake.
and for any reason without disadvantage or Vaccination is the exception that proves the
prejudice. [Article 6 – Consent] rule. It lays bare the reality that we do not have
health freedom in this country.
In other words, when it comes to any medi-
cal intervention, all human beings must have a INTRODUCING
choice. No one can do anything to you unless HEALTH FREEDOM ACTION™
you agree. You must be adequately informed. We’re proud to introduce Health Freedom
You can change your mind at any time for any Action, a new 501(c)(4) organization for legisla-
reason. And look carefully… there’s no special tive advocacy, to advance the bills that uphold
exception for vaccination. our rights and to oppose the ones that aim to take
them away.
FREEDOM AND TRANSPARENCY We must organize to assert our rights.
We have the right to know and understand There’s one true currency in politics. When you
what we’re putting into our bodies. This means: see a large amount of money being spent, you can
be sure the politicians don’t have the support of
• independent scientific research; the people. It’s time to expand our political cen-
• access to the providers, supplements and ter of gravity to promote informed consent and
treatment options of our choosing; health freedom. We need scale, and consistent
• high certification standards; and, and uniform messaging. And we must cross state
• truth-in-labeling. lines, coordinate across disciplines, and gather
our allies.
We need to be health freedom fighters! We have professional knowledge. We need
Something has been happening over the past professional infrastructure, including:
thirty years. Health freedom has declined in lock-
step with all these vaccine mandates. Mandatory • best practices;
vaccination takes away your health freedom. • talking points, handouts, letters, flyers
• legislative and legal analysis;
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE FREE? • media coordination and training;
What is freedom? Our founding fathers • strategic communications;
made clear that government should not come • speaker’s bureau; and,
between man and his God and conscience. It’s not • political organizing.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 57
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