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Informed consent for vaccination, as for every  against vaccine manufacturers? Why don’t most people, lawmakers in-
         other medical intervention, is a vital expression  cluded, know about this?
         of health freedom and human rights.           Will legislators continue to support the removal from parents of their
                                                   ultimate right to choose when they understand that the vaccine industry
         CONSUMER PROTECTION AMENDMENT             enjoys near total liability protection?
             Governments are supposed to regulate the     As the controversial bill advances through the California legislature,
         activities of corporations and others who provide  SB 277 has been met with strong and growing public resistance. Thousands
         products and services to the public. Sometimes  have traveled to Sacramento to testify and rally. This citizen movement is
         they fall short. Sometimes they participate in  drawing attention to the legal implications of the arcane National Child-
         infringing our rights. The modern consumer  hood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986.
         protection movement hasn’t been around that     The Consumer Protection Amendment (CPA) was brought forth in
         long—about fifty years or so. It is characterized  California on May 28, 2015 to strike a balance between vaccine mandates
         by nonprofit advocacy groups and grassroots  and the absence of vaccine manufacturer liability highlighted by SB 277.
         activism. Today, there’s a rising chorus of voices     CPA gives consumers in California the opportunity to sue vaccine
         about compulsory vaccination.             manufacturers in the event of injury or death. It also creates the opportunity
             Are vaccines safe or unsafe? People are  to challenge the constitutionality of the federal government’s attempts to
         angry and confused about mixed signals.   block any lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers. While urging the adop-
                                                   tion of this amendment, supporters uphold their opposition to SB 277.
         •   If they’re so safe, why are vaccine makers     Read more about CPA and our call to action at healthfreedomaction.
            shielded from liability?               org. There’s no time to waste. Let’s be fearless and formidable. Together.
         •   If they’re so safe, why must governments
            force people to get them?
         •   If they’re so safe, why is there a vaccine  Louise Kuo Habakus is the founding director of Fearless Parent™, lead
            injury compensation program?           host and producer of Fearless Parent Radio, and mom of two. She is a
         •   If they’re so safe, why are thousands of  published author of the bestselling book Vaccine Epidemic and runs two
            people across the U.S. protesting?     non-profits: the Center for Personal Rights and Health Freedom Action.
         •   If they’re so safe, why not let the markets  Louise lectures widely and has appeared in numerous media outlets,
            decide?                                including ABC World News Tonight, Fox & Friends, and The New York
                                                   Times. She was a Bain consultant and a managing director for Putnam
             In 1986, Congress passed the National  Investments. Louise holds two degrees from Stanford University. She is on
         Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which  the advisory boards of GreenMedInfo and The Documenting Hope Project.
         gave manufacturers and health care profession-
         als complete immunity from any vaccine injury.  REFERENCES
         Why did the federal government remove the most   1.
         important consumer protection for safer vaccina-  2.
         tion? How can governments mandate vaccination   3.    fuse_we_have_to_force_them_to_vaccinate.html
         and eliminate exemptions after blocking lawsuits   4.

                                     It’s time to catalyze a national health freedom movement. Here’s how you can help:

                                     •  Sign up at and share us with your friends and colleagues.
                                          We must show our numbers. It’s vital for political organizing.
                                     •  Follow us on social media:
                                     •  Share your resources and recommend aligned organizations. Volunteer your

                                     And if you can, please donate. Our paypal email address is
         58                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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