Page 66 - Summer2015
P. 66

Due to          The definition of “immunization” is the  original antigen reduced to a harmless form. In

                  lengthy     process whereby a person is made immune or  other words, HP provides all the benefits of the
                              resistant to an infectious disease. To do so in a  disease with none of the risks.
          development  natural and biologically supportive way is indeed     Not only do conventional vaccinations pose
                    times,    an accomplishment. This is the goal of HP.   considerable dangers, but for many diseases that
                                  By weakening or “attenuating” a disease  exist in epidemic proportion, no vaccines are
                complex         pathogen and introducing it into the body, the im-  available. When natural disasters strike causing
        regulations and  mune system is familiarized with the particular  flooding, earthquakes or landslides, stressors
              exorbitant      disease and becomes better equipped to mount an  upon natural and human resources cause people
             production       immune response when encountering the disease  to become more susceptible to disease, and in
                              in nature. The practice of conventional vaccines  these situations, HP is a wise choice. Addition-
        costs, vaccines  began with this theory, but some distinct differ-  ally, poor health infrastructures and strained
           cannot keep        ences have emerged over time.             material resources create a suitable environment
                 up with      •  Vaccines are injected directly into the blood-  for the very rapid spread of disease.
                                                                            While conventional vaccines have been the

                   rapidly        stream, bypassing the body’s natural route of  preferred method of protection, serious draw-
                 evolving         infection, namely, the mucous membranes,  backs exist to reaching those in need. Due to
                                  where initial immune cells reside.
                                                                        lengthy development times, complex regulations
             epidemics.       •  Vaccines are grown on foreign materials  and exorbitant production costs, vaccines cannot
                                  such  as  monkey  kidneys,  eggs,  porcine  keep up with rapidly evolving epidemics. Once
                                  cells or human diploid (fetal) cells. This  administered, protection can take one to two
                                  introduces foreign DNA into the recipient  months to develop. Considering the two-to-six-
                                  of the vaccine along with unknown foreign  month production time, possible adverse effects
                                  viruses.                               for some members of the population and the fact
                              •  Doctors give multiple vaccines at once in  that certain vaccines can only be given to nar-
                                  the erroneous belief that inundating the  row segments of the population (such as those
                                  developing immune system with eight or  over eighteen years old) it is clear that vaccines
                                  nine disease antigens at one time is safe  cannot fill the growing need. Moreover, the inci-
                                  and effective. This causes confusion in the  dence of chronic disease as a result of excessive
                                  system and requires natural detoxification,  environmental toxicity is something we cannot
                                  which may be possible if the recipient has  ignore. Predictive graphs showing us estimates of
                                  mitochondrial disorders.              cancers, cardiac disease and respiratory illnesses
                              •  Vaccines are loaded with additives: antibiot-  by 2030 illustrate shocking pictures. Medical
                                  ics to reduce bacterial load; preservatives;  science is in agreement that many diseases are
                                  chemicals intended to cross the blood-brain  the results of toxic overload. 13
                                  barrier; surfactants; adjuvants intended to
                                  boost antibody production and inflammatory  USE OF HP IN BRAZIL
                                  response; and also in certain vaccines such     Most recently, emerging studies from Brazil,
                                  as the flu vaccine, thimerosal, which is 50  Australia and Cuba point to the easy administra-
                                  percent methylmercury.                 tion and effectiveness of homeoprophylaxis.
                                                                            In 1974, during an epidemic of meningitis in
                              ADVANTAGES OF HP                           Brazil, Dr. Francisco Eizayaga gave over eigh-
                                  By contrast, HP is given orally. Production  teen thousand children the homeoprophylactic
                              of HP requires no foreign materials, but only  remedy called Meningococcinum. An untreated
                              the original disease pathogen, which is diluted  group of over six thousand children served as a
                              beyond any remaining molecules. One disease is  control. In the group treated with HP only four
                              introduced at a time, allowing the body to mount  cases of meningitis occurred. In the untreated
                              a natural immune response. And there are no ad-  group there were thirty-two cases. The study
                              ditives in HP; no preservatives, no adjuvants, no  was repeated in 1988 with individuals between
                              antibiotics, no surfactants; nothing but the pure  the ages of zero and twenty, with almost sixty-six
         66                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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