Page 65 - Summer2015
P. 65
Do Parents Have An
Immunization Option?
by Cilla Whatcott, HD RHOM, CCH
n the emotional fray of divisive name-calling and
shaming, all parents actually have the same goals
Iregardless of the label pro- or anti-vaccine. The health
and safety of their own children and the right to make
informed choices are the main focus of loving parents the
world over. As a homeopath, my intent is also to empower
parents by providing them education about how the immune
system functions and current information about what’s
available for them. Critical information that most parents
do not know about is something called homeoprophylaxis,
also known as “HP.”
HP is a natural, non-toxic method of educating the immune system in
order to reduce susceptibility to disease and to manage illness more effec-
tively in the event it’s contracted. It’s been around for two hundred years and
well utilized in India, Brazil, Australia, Europe, Africa, Cuba and elsewhere.
The use of HP can prevent diseases such as malaria, Japanese encephalitis,
cholera, dengue fever, leptospirosis, diphtheria, polio, scarlet fever, men-
ingitis, pertussis and smallpox. 11,12 In the United States, pharmaceutical-
based medical practice provides very little support for homeoprophylaxis,
and it receives virtually no coverage from the U.S. media. Knowledge about
HP spreads from parent to parent and amongst my clinic clients.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 65
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