Page 67 - Summer2015
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thousand in the treated group and over twenty- and has headed the Adjuvant Group within the The homeo-
five thousand in the untreated group. During the Immunology Department of Finlay.
following six months, one case of meningitis The existing leptospirosis vaccine can only prophylactic
occurred in the treated group and seven in the be stockpiled to cover 0.1 percent of the popula- approach was
control group. The rate of illness in the control tion. It takes three months from the first dose for associated
group was eighteen times greater than in the immune levels to reach adequate protection, and
treated group. Statistical analysis demonstrated it can only be given to individuals fifteen years with a large
homeoprophylaxis displayed 95 percent pro- and older. Additionally, it covers only three of the reduction
tection from meningitis in children under six four circulating strains of leptospirosis, reducing of disease
months old and 91 percent protection in children competition for the fourth strain, resulting in its
over twelve months old. possible increase over time. incidence and
In 2008 when three hurricanes (Gustav, control of the
RESULTS IN AUSTRALIA Ike and Paloma) ravished the island, Dr. Bracho epidemic.
Dr. Isaac Golden of Australia is a pioneer in developed HP for leptospirosis since there was
the use of HP for children. In 1985 there were no not enough production time to create the con-
published homeoprophylaxis programs that could ventional vaccine. After immunizing 2.3 million
be used in place of the recommended childhood residents with HP, Dr. Bracho published his find-
vaccine schedule, and no one was systematically ings, which are available through PubMed.
collecting evidence to support the use of such According to his report, “After the homeo-
programs. Golden’s work stands as the keystone prophylactic intervention a significant decrease
to future applications of homeoprophylaxis for of the disease incidence was observed in the
infectious childhood diseases. intervention regions. No such modifications
A very interesting finding of Dr. Golden’s were observed in non-intervention regions. In the
work is the improved long-term health outcomes intervention region the incidence of leptospirosis
of children using homeoprophylaxis instead fell below the historic median. This observation
of conventional vaccination. HP also provided was independent of rainfall.”
improved long-term outcomes when compared He concluded: “The homeoprophylactic ap-
with unvaccinated children whose parents used a proach was associated with a large reduction of
general “make-the-child-as-healthy-as-possible” disease incidence and control of the epidemic.
approach to infectious disease prevention. He The results suggest the use of HP as a feasible
states, “The explanation of this result remains tool for epidemic control. Further research is
open, but I would suggest that HP remedies warranted.” 16
stimulate the energetic immune response and Dr. Bracho went on to study the effects of HP
this must lead to a maturing of the response in with hepatitis A, dengue fever, acute respiratory
an analogous way that infection with simple infections and acute diarrheal diseases. Signifi-
diseases can help to mature the physical immune cant reductions in all of these diseases resulted
response.” from use of HP.
Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease, is endemic Using homeopathic intervention in the form
to Cuba, where the government annually vac- of homeoprophylaxis for epidemics makes sense
cinates the entire population to protect against for a number of reasons. HP is easily produced.
it. Dr. Gustavo Bracho is an immunologist who Production time is brief and the cost very low
works for the Carlos J. Finlay Institute, a world compared to conventional vaccines, making it
renowned center for vaccine research and pro- easily available to developing countries. It re-
duction in Havana, Cuba. He is advisor to the mains stable at room temperature, requiring no
president and general director of Finlay Institute, refrigeration during transport. Many individu-
and head of the Homeopathy and Biotherapic als can be treated in a short period of time at
Projects at the Institute. He is an experienced a very low cost. Since it’s administered orally,
researcher in molecular and cellular biology, it requires no needles and no licensed medical
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 67
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