Page 71 - Summer2015
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from the screen, the better for your body. Even of the damage done by badly timed light. So try Exposure to
better is to avoid technology for the last hour or so on a regular basis to go camping or otherwise
before bed each day. I know this is a radical idea, escape into nature to help keep your body better direct sunlight
but instead you can chat with a family member in tune with the natural cycles that governed our improves
or friend or read a book alone or aloud—both my work, rest, and sleep for thousands of years. melatonin
wife and children prefer these options anyway! 5 Do what it takes to promote and protect
Turning down the brightness of all lighting your health. Natural light helps your body prop- levels and
in your home throughout the evening also helps erly regulate and maintain balance with natural allows one to
you adjust to turning down gadget brightness. circadian rhythms. Exposure to direct sunlight more easily
It is hard to have technology turned low if the improves melatonin levels and shifts the hormone
ambient environmental light is strong and bright. to function more in line with an early-to-bed and attain an
Toning down the overall brightness helps every- early-to-rise schedule. And as we know, “early to early-to-bed
one prepare for and enjoy better sleep. bed, early to rise, makes people healthy, wealthy, and
and wise.”
BE IN THE LIGHT early-to-rise
Let me offer a few final recommendations. schedule.
First, strive every day to spend time outdoors in
direct, natural light. If you work an office job, REFERENCES
take your lunch break outdoors, somewhere 1.
ny t i me s.c om /2011/07/05/ he a lt h /05l ig m l?_
with unimpeded sunlight. If it means the roof of r=3&pagewanted=all&
your workplace, so be it! If you absolutely can't 3.
do this, make sure that your work environment into-your-house/ and
and indoor environment exposes you to the right 5. light-may-be-unhealthy/
kinds of light at the right times if you are able, s-internal-clock?rss=1).
such as an eastern window in the morning. A 6. (
recent study showed that people exposed to 7.
natural light during the work day experienced 8.
significantly longer and better sleep than those researchers-say/UPI-52041368287606/
whose work denied them such light. 7,8 10.
Second, some studies have shown that for 11. For an extensive list of studies related to this topic, you can
people with significant sleep cycle and quality
troubles, escaping to a natural light environment
with no technology or gadgets for about a week
can significantly improve sleep and reverse some
A small number of studies suggests that there is possible danger that the blue portion of the light spectrum which
LEDs in particular produce (though CFLs do as well) may cause irreversible damage to our eyes. 9.10 I commented on this
issue at length in the Letters section of this journal (Spring 2015), but will briefly restate points below. Remember, damage
to the eye is based on light spectrum, intensity, duration of exposure, and likely the health status of the one exposed. To
help minimize possible damage attend to these pointers:
1. Eat a nourishing diet, rich in vitamin A and antioxidants. Avoid polyunsaturated fatty acids and processed foods.
2. Turn down the brightness on your devices and use lower-wattage ambient light when possible. Bring in as much
natural light into your living and work spaces as possible. Realize that no light bulb was ever designed to be looked
at directly. They are made to help you to see, not to be seen.
3. Sit as far away from electronic devices as possible. Seek to have your eyes at least twenty-four inches from computer
and other gadget screens (farther for TVs, especially large TVs).
4. Take regular breaks when working with technology. Plan a five- to ten-minute break every thirty minutes and a
shorter break every ten to fifteen minutes to rest your eyes and give them time to recover.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 71
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