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other vaccine ingredients to enter the brain. 3.
When used as a vaccine emulsifier, numerous studies confirm that CFRSearch.cfm?fr=201.323.
polysorbate 80 can increase cell permeability, damage and bursting. 4. Aluminum Toxicity in Infants and Children,
Committee on Nutrition, American Academy of
Furthermore, after injection it can quickly break down into sorbitol and Pediatrics, Pediatrics Volume 97, Number 3 March,
ethylene oxide. The sorbitol may increase the risk of diabetes as well as 1996, pp. 413-416.
cell death, mitochondrial failure and DNA fragmentation. The Hazardous 5. International Agency for Research on Cancer
Substances Data Bank of the U.S. National Library of Medicine warns (June 2004). IARC Monographs on the Evalua-
tion of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans Volume 88
that sorbitol “is not to be injected.” (2006): Formaldehyde, 2-Butoxyethanol and 1-tert-
Injected polysorbate 80 has also been shown to abruptly change heart Butoxypropan-2-ol. Retrieved June 10, 2011, from:
function. A statement about a drug used to treat anemia related to chronic
kidney disease and chemotherapy warns: “Clinical studies have shown 6. php].
National Toxicology Program (June 2011). Report
darbepoetin alfa (polysorbate 80) to increase the risk of serious side ef- on Carcinogens, Twelfth Edition. Department of
fects (eg, blood clots, stroke, heart attack, heart failure) and death in some Health and Human Services, Public Health Service,
cases. It has also been shown to shorten overall survival and/or increase National Toxicology Program. Retrieved June 10,
the risk of tumor growth or recurrence in patients with certain types of 7. 2011, from:
“Glutaraldehyde-induced and formaldehyde-
cancer.” induced allergic contact dermatitis” Scott M.
Another problem is that polysorbate 80 can cause hypersensitivity Ravis, MD, Matthew P. Shaffer, MD, Christy
reactions and anaphylaxis. And it is particularly risky in infants. Further- L. Shaffer, MD, Seena Dehkhaghani, MD and
more, its risk is increased when polymyxin B, another vaccine ingredient, Donald V. Belsito, MD; “Glutaraldehyde-induced
asthma.” Quirce S, Gómez M, Bombín C, Sastre
is present. J. 1999 Oct;54(10):1121-2.; Genetic toxicity and
An article by Joseph Mercola, DO suggests it might cause infertility carcinogenicity studies of glutaraldehyde–a review.
too. He informs us about “a Slovakian study published in the journal Zeiger E, Gollapudi B, Spencer P. Mutat Res. 2005
Food and Chemical Toxicology in 1993.” The researchers injected female Mar;589(2):136-51; Divergent immunological re-
sponses following glutaraldehyde exposure. Azadi
rats with Tween 80 (in 1, 5 or 10 percent aqueous solution), on days four S, Klink KJ, Meade BJ. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.
through seven after birth. They discovered that Tween 80 accelerated the 2004 May 15;197(1):1-8.
rats’ maturation, prolonged the estrous cycle, decreased the weight of the 8.
uterus and ovaries, and caused damage to the lining of the uterus indicative 9. Ratajczak HV1. Theoretical aspects of autism:
causes— a review. J Immunotoxicol. 2011 Jan-
of chronic estrogenic stimulation. The rats’ ovaries were also damaged, Mar;8(1):68-79. 10.
with degenerative follicles and no corpora lutea (a mass of progesterone- htm.
secreting endocrine tissue that forms immediately after ovulation). Such 11.
severe deformities to the ovary can lead to infertility.” 12.
Vaccines containing polysorbate 80 include DTaP, Rotavirus and 14. ar /sites/ar ticles/ar-
Gardasil. chive/2012/10/06/dr-palevsky-disease-vaccines.
BIOCHEMICAL WARFARE is-allergies-asthma/polysorbate-80-risks-2/.
Given the many toxic ingredients in vaccines, there is no other way to 16. ar /sit es/ar ticles/ar-
describe the modern practice of vaccination but as biochemical warfare. chive/2010/10/15/fluarix-flu-vaccine-that-can-
No wonder we are seeing so many terrible reactions to innoculations. cause-infertility.aspx.
Parents really only have one choice if they want to protect their children:
don't vaccinate.
This article first appeared at
1. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration,
Document NDA 19-626/S-019, Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for Dextrose SHOPPING GUIDE UPDATE
2. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, New phone number for
Document 02N-0496, Aluminum in Large and Small Volume Parenterals Used
in Total Parenteral Nutrition. Available online at: Rigoni di Asiago
oc0367.pdf. (305) 470-7583
46 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions
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