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gated calcium channels, and aluminum can      Thus, we can never win this game. In fact,   People who
          gain entry through these channels by acting as  a placebo controlled study in Hong Kong found
          a calcium mimetic.                        that those who were vaccinated against the flu   get the flu
                                                    had no statistically significant improvement in   vaccine every
          VACCINES JUST ALTER WHICH                 flu infection rates, but had a 4.4-fold increase in   year are
          VIRUS YOU GET                             infection with syncytial virus, a strain that pro-
              It is becoming increasingly clear to me that  duces symptoms nearly indistinguishable from   reducing
          the vaccination program as a whole is only suc-  influenza.  People who get the flu vaccine every   their general
          ceeding in altering which infections we get; it is  year are reducing their general immune health   immune health
          not actually protecting us from infectious disease  with each vaccine, due in part to the accumula-
          in general. This is most glaringly apparent for  tion in their tissues of mercury and glutamate.   with each
          the flu vaccine. We are told that this year’s vac-  Very soon it will become clear to everybody that   vaccine, due in
          cine is not very effective because we “guessed  the flu vaccine has no benefit, and I think it is   part to the
          wrong” when we made the decision about which  likely contributing to the epidemic we’re seeing
          strains to include in the vaccine. A mid-season  in Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly, because of   accumulation
          evaluation of the effectiveness of this year’s flu  the toxic effects of glutamate and mercury on the   in their tissues
          vaccine in the UK came up with a dismal perfor-  brain.                              of mercury
          mance of just 3.4 percent effectiveness.  These     Streptococcus pneumoniae lives naturally in
          authors wrote: “The current season has led to  the nasopharynx of healthy individuals, causing   and
          large numbers of care home outbreaks, often in  no harm. A vaccine against this microbe will   glutamate.
          highly vaccinated populations, hospitalizations  cause it to disappear from the respiratory tract,
          and significant excess all-cause mortality in the  nasopharynx and sinuses, with unknown con-
          over sixty-five-year-old population.”     sequences. Certainly this leaves room for other
              My prediction is that we will continue to  species to take hold, and one can only guess
          “guess wrong” every year, because the vaccine  what those species might be. So by vaccinating
          itself is actually influencing which strains thrive.  against one microbe, you are opening the door
          When the vaccination coverage is very high, the  for other microbes to invade. This is true more
          strains that are targeted are effectively wiped out,  generally, and it might explain why we are seeing
          and this provides an opportunity for other strains  a number of strange new pathogens emerging,
          to fill the vacuum.                       or old pathogens becoming much more virulent
              This pattern is unfolding across multiple  in recent years, such as SARS (bird flu), H1N1
          vaccine series. The original Hib vaccine targeted  (swine flu), Lyme disease, Ebola, Epstein Barr,
          just Haemophilus influenzae type b. The result  hepatitis C, and AIDS.
          was that types a, e, and f gained prominence. So
          a new pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar 7) was  Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a senior research sci-
          introduced to cover seven strains. A few years  entist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial
          later, this was replaced by “Prevnar 13.” They are  Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massa-
          playing a similar game with Gardasil: the origi-  chusetts. She has a bachelor's degree from MIT
          nal Gardasil vaccine covered four major strains  in biology with a minor in food and nutrition, and
          of HPV. But it’s been found that women who  a PhD in electrical engineering and computer
          are vaccinated against these four have a higher  science, also from MIT. Her recent research has
          risk of being infected with some other strain not  focused on the pervasive toxicants, aluminum
          covered by the vaccine. The answer, it seems, is  and glyphosate. She proposes that low-nutrient
          to add more strains to the mix. “Gardasil-9” is  food combined with pesticides and toxic metals
          about to appear, covering nine strains of HPV  play a crucial role in many modern conditions
          and with twice as much aluminum content. The  and diseases, including heart disease, diabetes,
          original Gardasil vaccine already had a high  obesity, arthritis, gastrointestinal problems,
          level of a very toxic form of aluminum. There  Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and
          are more than eighty different strains of HPV, so  autism.
          this is not a scalable solution.
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           33

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