Page 31 - Summer2015
P. 31
There is much about viruses that we simply do not understand. Viruses are fascinating life forms, and recent evi-
dence suggests that they are the main source of new DNA sequences that drive our own evolution. I conjecture that
they play an essential role in driving adaptation to environmental stress factors.
My studies on the flu virus have revealed that these tiny creatures infect muscle cells in order to raid them of sulfate.
The viruses reprogram the infected cell to build a sulfated mucopolysaccharide coat to decorate the exterior of each
newly minted virus particle. The freshly minted viruses are released into the blood stream, and are later devoured by
a roaming immune cell, such as a macrophage. The macrophage then kills and digests the virus, thus essentially accept-
ing delivery of the mucopolysaccharides from the muscle cell, packaged up on the back of the virus. The sulfate in the
mucopolysaccharides can then be used by the macrophage to solve its deficiency problem.
My research has identified systemic sulfate deficiency as a key component of most diseases that are on the rise
today. The immune system is especially vulnerable to insufficient sulfate. Macrophages depend upon sulfate to maintain
the acidic environment in the lysosomes that is needed to digest and recycle cellular debris. Insufficient sulfate will im-
pair both their ability to kill viruses and metabolize their contents, and their ability to clear debris from dead and dying
human cells.
Thus, when the immune cells have insufficient sulfate, the flu viruses flourish, invade the muscles, and redistribute
sulfate from the muscles to the immune cells. Other viruses infect different tissues and steal sulfate from them. This
reinvigorates the immune system at the expense of the cells under attack. Once the immune cells acquire sufficient
sulfate to clear the virus, the person recovers from the disease. People with a plentiful supply of sulfate to begin with
never get the flu, because the virus particles are easily kept in check by the healthy macrophages.
Measles probably serves a similar purpose. Few people realize that multiple studies have shown that an infection
with the measles virus can produce beneficial results. Children who have had the measles have fewer allergic diseases. 23,24
Intractable epileptic seizures have been known to disappear following a virus infection, including measles, mumps and
rotavirus. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis has been brought into remission by infection with measles. Psoriasis has been
cured by measles infection.
Most remarkably, cases of substantial shrinkage of tumors (infantile Hodgkin’s disease) have been recorded following
a measles infection. A seminal study on mice showed that injection of live (but not killed) measles virus directly into
a tumor led to a mobilization of neutrophils to the tumor site, where they released cytotoxic chemicals that resulted in
tumor shrinkage. This to me is clear evidence that measles strengthens the immune system.
Scientists have known since at least the early 1990s that the virus responsible for Newcastle disease also shows
promise in cancer therapy. 30,31 Ironically, if the person’s immune system is efficient in attacking the virus, then it will not
work well for cancer therapy. Thus, a massive vaccination program would pretty much preclude the possibility of using
a particular virus strain as treatment. Neuroblastoma is one of the most common cancers in childhood and it has a poor
prognosis. One experimental treatment that is being explored at the State University of New York at Stony Brook is to
use polio virus to treat this cancer.
Researchers at Duke University are having some preliminary success in using polio virus infection to treat glioblas-
toma, the most common and most aggressive malignant primary brain tumor in humans. Their research was recently
highlighted by the television program “60 Minutes.” The discoveries that certain viruses preferentially infect tumor cells
and mobilize an immune response imply that a natural infection with the virus would be protective against cancer.
all the vaccines were included in the analyzed sets! both the acetaminophen connection and the
We wrote in the paper's abstract: “A strong correlation between autism MMR connection to autism. Acetaminophen
and the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is also observed, which is metabolized in the liver by cytochrome
may be partially explained via an increased sensitivity to acetaminophen P450 (CYP) enzymes, and glyphosate— the
[Tylenol] administered to control fever.” We were frankly at a loss to active ingredient in the herbicide Round-
explain how MMR could cause autism, because it does not contain either Up— suppresses CYP enzyme activity in
aluminum or mercury, two well-established neurotoxic metals. Our theory, the liver. What this means is that glyphosate
which others had suggested as well, was that the autistic children were is synergistically toxic with acetaminophen
especially sensitive to acetaminophen, which is often administered to because it interferes with its breakdown.
control fever following vaccination. MMR was significantly more often And, glyphosate usage on corn and soy crops
associated with fever than all the other vaccines serving as a control. increased dramatically following 2000, due to
Today I recognize two additional factors that more fully explain the widespread adoption of the new “Roundup
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 31
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