Page 27 - Summer2015
P. 27
It is very difficult to weigh the pros and nature’s clever design, newborn infants receive Dialysis
cons of any given vaccine properly, or even on in their mother’s milk antibodies to diseases to
the vaccination concept in general. The public which the mother has acquired immunity, and dementia
forum promoted by the government downplays this affords protection against the disease during establishes
the risks and exaggerates the benefits. In the the critical neonatal period, when infants’ own beyond a
case of measles, we have become programmed immature immune systems leave them more
to fear a disease that is usually very mild and vulnerable. The solution offered by the medical shadow of a
almost never fatal. I remember well the measles community—to vaccinate pregnant women with doubt that
outbreak in my community when I was a child MMR—poses a direct threat to the fetus due to aluminum is
in the 1950s. We were encouraged to be sure to the toxic chemicals in the vaccine, which may
catch it in this wave, as the opportunity might not cause harm to the developing fetal brain. toxic to the
come again until we were adults. We understood I am especially concerned about the glu- brain.
that it was best to get measles in childhood and tamate—glutamate makes up 10 percent of the
that this would afford lasting protection from a amino acid content of the gelatin on which the
future infection. virus is grown. Glutamate is a well-established
Despite all the hoopla surrounding the Dis- neurotoxin, contained in only a few vaccines, one
neyland outbreak, there have been no fatalities. of which is MMR. Another vaccine that contains
In fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) glutamate is the flu vaccine, now administered
records no fatalities at all in measles cases in much more widely than was the case just a few
the U.S. over the past ten years. Over that same years ago, including to pregnant women, and
time period, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event based on the same argument of protection for
Reporting System (VAERS) database has re- the newborn. Half the doses of flu vaccine also
ported over one hundred fatalities linked to the contain mercury, arguably the most toxic metal
measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. on earth.
Since VAERS adverse reactions are grossly
under-reported, the actual number is probably EVIDENCE OF POTENTIAL HARM
much larger. When most people think of potential harm
It is ironic that health officials express such from vaccines, they think of mercury, as this
concern about the non-vaccinated spreading has been the most widely publicized toxicant
disease to the vaccinated population. Presum- contained in vaccines. The issue of mercury in
ably, if you’re vaccinated you have protection, vaccines has allegedly been put to rest, following
so why should you worry? What’s even more a reduction in mercury burden around the year
ironic is that the vaccine itself can be contagious. 2000, but that did not lead to a reduction in the
For example a one-year-old baby was vaccinated incidence of autism. However, that experiment
with varicella and his pregnant mother developed was flawed because other factors, particularly a
a varicella infection sixteen days later, verified simultaneous increase in the aluminum content
as the vaccine strain. She elected to abort the in vaccines, but also an increase in toxic exposure
pregnancy as a consequence. from food (more about that later) likely were
While immunity following a measles infec- offsetting factors. Dialysis dementia establishes
tion is permanent, vaccination-based immunity beyond a shadow of a doubt that aluminum is
wears off over time, leaving an unknown per- toxic to the brain. Patients with kidney failure
centage of the vaccinated population now sus- develop dementia if there is too much aluminum
ceptible to exposure. As a consequence, we now present in the dialysate.
face a difficult situation with respect to measles, It is disturbing to me that we are now (in my
because most of the children and young adults in opinion, recklessly) administering the flu vaccine
this country are now vaccinated against it, and to infants and pregnant women without regard
almost none of them have the lifetime protection to the fact that about half of the flu vaccines
afforded by a measles infection. Most at risk are administered contain mercury as a preservative.
the infants under six months old, born to mothers As mentioned previously, the flu vaccine also
whose vaccine-based immunity has worn off. In contains glutamate, a known neurotoxin.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 27
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