Page 30 - Summer2015
P. 30

Glutamate       in both cases (aluminum or fetal tissues) is that  are becoming more and more toxic over time

           in vaccines is     DNA exposure to immune cells can lead to au-  due to their synergy with glyphosate, the ac-
                              toimmune disease.
                                                                         tive ingredient in the most pervasive herbicide,
        much less well            It is quite possible, however, that other  Roundup.
          studied, even       ingredients besides the human DNA are at play
             though it is     in the correlations with autism observed by  VACCINE-GLYPHOSATE SYNERGY
                                                                            In 2012, I published a paper together with
                              Deisher and others.  While they found an effect
                a known  for several different vaccines, every one of them  collaborators titled, “Empirical Data Confirm
               excitatory     contained either aluminum— Havrix (hepatis  Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and
             neurotoxin       A) and Pentacel (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis,  Acetaminophen Exposure.”  This paper was
                              poliomyelitis, and influenza B) or glutamate  based on a detailed analysis of the VAERS data-
            that's linked  (Varivax, MMR and Meruvax rubella)— present  base, and we specifically looked at frequencies of
          to autism and       either as free glutamate or a component of gelatin  various adverse reactions to subsets of the data-
         multiple other       or both. We have already seen how aluminum  base, restricted either to different time intervals
                              might cause harm by exposing immune cells to  or to different subsets of the vaccines. We were
            neurological  human DNA from cells at the site of injection,  interested in both aluminum-containing vaccines
                diseases.     fatally damaged by aluminum, but aluminum is  and the MMR vaccine (due to its plausible link
                              also a well-established neurotoxin, on par with  to autism identified by Andrew Wakefield).
                              mercury.  Studies on premature infants exposed     What we discovered was very surprising:
                                     8, 9
                              to aluminum through intravenous feeding have  the aluminum-containing vaccines appeared to
                              clearly shown a link between the small amounts  be much more toxic after the turn of the century
                              of aluminum in the nutrient solution and neuro-  compared to before the turn of the century. Table
                              logical damage. 10                         1 is reproduced from that paper, where we enu-
                                  Glutamate in vaccines is less well studied,  merated several symptoms that were far more
                              even though glutamate is a known excitatory  likely to occur in association with an aluminum-
                              neurotoxin that’s linked to autism  and multiple  containing vaccine, but also far more likely to
                              other neurological diseases. 12,13  In the next sec-  occur after 2000 compared to before 2000, when
                              tion, I will explain my hypothesis that vaccines  all the vaccines were included in the analyzed

              TABLE 2: Counts of occurrences of various reactions to the MMR vaccine before (early) and after
              (late) 2002. In all cases, the p-value for chance occurrence of the distribution is 0.05 or below.
         30                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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