Page 29 - Summer2015
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from vaccines that is actually due to chemicals the autism curve. They noted that every one of Researchers
in foods treated with pesticides or contaminated the implicated vaccines contained live cultures
with food additives. grown on human fetal tissue. They conjectured were able
I believe that one of the best ways to exam- that human DNA or retrovirus were the critical to show a
ine risk is to look at large population studies. A factors in the vaccine causing harm. consistent
unique opportunity to study correlations with It should be noted that while our bodies
vaccination and autoimmune disease was the contain huge amounts of our own DNA, it is trend over
“wave” of vaccination of twenty million French normally housed inside the nucleus of our cells, multiple
individuals, across multiple ages, with hepatitis and when cells die they normally undergo a vaccines
B (Hep-B) vaccine, concentrated over the four- programmed death procedure called apoptosis
year period from 1994 to 1997. This wave was that involves breaking down the DNA so that it whereby a
followed by an “echo” about two years later of an will not be released into the tissues. If a cell is large increase
“epidemic” in multiple sclerosis; that is, the two acutely exposed to a toxic chemical that rapidly in the
curves match remarkably well with a delay of two destroys its membrane, it may react so quickly
years (see Figure 1). Hep-B contains aluminum that it is unable to undergo apoptosis. As a result, vaccinated
adjuvant, which could be a causative factor in the its DNA spills into the environment, and immune population for
development of MS, although molecular mimicry cells interpret this as a cue to go on high alert. a specific
between proteins in the virus and components of This may well be the reason that aluminum
myelin are another possibility. In fact, it could be adjuvant works in vaccines to enhance the im- vaccine was
that aluminum bound to the antigen increases its mune reaction to aluminum-containing vaccines. followed
allergenicity, leading to a synergistic effect. Vaccine manufacturers believe that aluminum directly by an
Another excellent example of an epide- adjuvant is beneficial because it reduces the
miological study is the recent paper by Deisher amount of antigen needed to get the vaccine to increase in the
and others, which examined changes over time produce the desired immune response. It may slope of the
in vaccination policy and compared them to well be, therefore, that the DNA contained in autism curve.
changes in autism rates across multiple countries. the vaccines produced by growing the infective
They were able to show a consistent trend over agent on human fetal tissue also induces a similar
multiple vaccines whereby a large increase in the acute response of the immune system, due to a
vaccinated population for a specific vaccine was false interpretation of the human DNA as com-
followed directly by an increase in the slope of ing from an acutely poisoned cell. The problem
TABLE 1: Reactions that were significantly more common in VAXERS after 2000 were also significantly more common in
aluminum-containing vaccines over the entire time span. This suggests that these are linked to the aluminum in the vaccines.
The counts are the total number of events that occurred where this symptom was mentioned, within the various subsets of
VAERS. (Reproduced from Seneff et al., 2012. 14
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 29
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