Page 19 - Summer2020final
P. 19

presence of electricity in the atmosphere, and   Illness has followed 5G installation in all   Illness has
            especially “dirty” electricity, which is charac-  the major cities in America, starting with New   followed 5G
            terized by many overlapping frequencies and  York in the fall of 2019—in uptown, midtown
            jagged changes in frequency and voltage.   and downtown Manhattan, along with parts of  installation
               Chinese medicine has long recognized the  Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens—all of which   in all the
            electrical nature of the human body and has  became subsequent coronavirus hot spots. Los   major cities
            developed a system to defuse the “accumula-  Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, Cleveland and At-
            tion of electricity” that leads to disease. It’s  lanta soon followed, with some five thousand  in America.
            called acupuncture. Many things that we do  towns and cities now covered.
            instinctively also help release any unhealthy   Europeans have also seen a strong cor-
            buildup of current—the mother who strokes her  relation with 5G rollout. Bartomeu Payeras i
            infant’s head or who scratches her children’s  Cifre, a Spanish epidemiologist, has charted the
            backs to help them get to sleep, the caresses of  rollout of 5G in European cities and countries
            lovers, barefoot walks, massages and even hand-  with cases per thousand people. His analysis
            shakes and hugs—all now sternly discouraged  demonstrates “a clear and close relationship
            by health authorities  as we face the specter of  between the rate of coronavirus infections and
            police bursting in at night to make sure that Dad  5G antenna location.”  For example, the city
            is sleeping on the couch.                 of Milan and other areas in the northern part
               Am I making this up? The Washington  of the country have the densest 5G coverage,
            Post recently published an article in which a  not Rome. Even though the major airport in
            mother was explaining to her teenage son why  Italy is in Rome, northern Italy has twenty-
            she couldn’t hug him during quarantine; and  two times the number of coronavirus cases. In
            a World Health Organization (WHO) official  Switzerland, telecommunications companies
            suggests that public health officials should enter  have built out more than two thousand antennas,
            people’s homes and “in a dignified way” remove  but the Swiss have halted at least some of the
            those who test positive to prevent infecting the  5G rollout due to health concerns. Per capita,
            rest of the family.                       Switzerland has had far fewer coronavirus cases
               Fast forward to the Internet and cell phone  than the nearby countries of France, Spain and
            era. According to Firstenberg, the onset of cell  Germany, where 5G is going full steam ahead.
            phone service in 1996 resulted in greater levels  Of particular note is the small country of San
            of mortality in major cities like Los Angeles,  Marino, the first country in the world to install
            New York, San Diego and Boston. Over the  5G (in September 2018). Its citizens have had
            years, wireless signals at multiple frequencies  the longest exposure to 5G and the highest
            have filled the atmosphere to a greater and  coronavirus infection rate—four times higher
            greater extent, along with mysterious outbreaks  than Italy (which deployed 5G in June 2019), and
            like SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)  twenty-seven times higher than Croatia, which
            and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome).  has not deployed 5G. In rural areas, the illness
                                                      blamed on coronavirus is slight to non-existent.
            5G ROLLOUT AND COVID-19                      Iran announced in February 2020 that it
               On September 26, 2019, Wuhan, China  “had carried out all preparations needed for
            turned on fifth generation (5G) wireless and of-  launching the 5G network” and had completed
            ficially launched 5G on November 1, with a grid  its expansion of related 4G-LTE infrastructure
            of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas  “to almost all cities, towns and villages across
            than exist in the whole U.S.—all concentrated in  the country.”  The first Covid-19 cases there
            one city. Soon we began hearing about a strange  correlate with this announcement.  Korea has
            new illness coming from this highly industrial-  installed over seventy thousand 5G bases and,
            ized location. A spike in cases also occurred on  by mid-March, had reported over eight thousand
            February thirteenth, the same week that Wuhan  cases of illness. Japan began testing 5G in tun-
            turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic.  nels in Hokkaido in early February 2020, and

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