Page 24 - Summer2020final
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research ought to have been a requirement be- for Covid-19—and also for the last dozen or so “viral” epidemics
fore taking draconian worldwide measures to we have faced, including AIDS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, bird flu, hepatitis C
“stop the spread” or “flatten the curve.” And, and others—scientists have not attempted to demonstrate even a single
if medical authorities in China were unable to part of Koch’s or Rivers’ postulates.
carry out this type of investigation, they should Actually, for Covid-19, the Chinese did try. They took some respira-
have enlisted the help of the CDC in the U.S. tory secretions from some sick people; that is, they took sputum from
and the equivalent organizations in Europe people with a cough. They then centrifuged the sputum to separate out
and Russia, or the WHO, to make sure the in- the liquid part from the cellular part, which presumably contained the
vestigations were done carefully, properly and virus. Next, they took this centrifuged, unpurified sediment from sick
thoroughly. Isn’t this what science is supposed people and inoculated that into lung cancer cells. Then they centrifuged
to be all about? this mess again, not even attempting to purify any virus from the mix-
What the public doesn’t realize is that ture. Finally, they took this witch’s brew of snot sediment, lung cancer
While your best protection against EMFs is to reduce exposure, especially to 5G emitters, the Wise Traditions diet can
go a long way toward protecting you against the cacophony of EMF frequencies that surround us.
SATURATED ANIMAL FATS. Electromagnetic frequencies, especially those for 5G, reduce the permeability of the
cell membrane, which can then lead to all sorts of unfortunate consequences—from fatigue to cancer. The first and
foremost requirement for cell membranes that are impervious and secure is saturated fat. At least 50 percent of the
fat molecules in the cell membrane should be saturated, and the fats in our lung surfactants should be 100 percent
saturated for the lungs to work properly. Saturated animal fats also supply cholesterol, needed in the cell membranes
to ensure that the cells are waterproof (and thus have a different electric potential on the inside and outside of the
cell). Another important compound we get from animal fats is arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid required for
tight cell-to-cell junctures. So, eat the fat on your meat, cook in lard or bacon fat and use plenty of butter!
THE FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS. The trio of vitamins A, D and K work together to protect us against toxins and enhance
the immune system. Best sources are cod liver oil, egg yolks from pastured hens, butter from grass-fed cows, fish eggs,
lard from pigs raised outdoors, poultry fat and poultry liver.
GELATIN-RICH BONE BROTH. The glycine in bone broth helps maintain structured water both inside and outside the
cell; helps create strong cartilage in the lung surfactants and throughout the body; and supports the body’s detoxifica-
tion mechanisms. Be sure to make broth with organic or grass-fed bones, free of glyphosate (the main ingredient in
the herbicide Roundup).
VITAMIN C. Successful treatments for the current type of respiratory illness include vitamin C. Your best food source
is fermented vegetables like sauerkraut—there is ten times more vitamin C in sauerkraut than in fresh cabbage!
IRON, ZINC AND SULFUR. Iron is an element that is vulnerable to electromagnetism. Vitamin A helps ensure that
iron goes into the red blood cells where it is needed. Both zinc and sulfur supplementation seem to help Covid-19
patients. The best sources are animal foods like red meat, liver, oysters and egg yolks.
RAW MILK. One effect of 5G seems to be the stimulation of calcium channels in the cell membrane. This drives calcium
into the cell, essentially poisoning the cell, while lowering the ionized calcium in the blood used in the coagulation
pathways to help clotting and prevent uncontrolled bleeding. If the ionized calcium in the blood drops too low, people
hemorrhage and die. During the 1918 pandemic, many doctors noted that their patients died from hemorrhage, not
from pneumonia as one would expect. Some doctors reported that the use of intravenous calcium lactate kept people
from dying. Soon after, Royal Lee from Standard Process formulated a flu product called Congaplex, which contained
calcium lactate—the same form of readily available calcium as in raw milk. In addition, raw whole milk from pastured
cows contains many compounds that strengthen our ability to deal with toxins.
22 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020