Page 26 - Summer2020final
P. 26

It’s clear    THANK GOODNESS FOR EXOSOMES                  It’s clear that we are making the same
                                 We are indebted to Dr. Andrew Kaufman,  mistake with viruses that we have made with
            that we are       who has posted a number of interesting videos  cholesterol and saturated fat—blaming a sub-
             making the       online in which he explains that viruses are  stance that is essential to life for causing disease.
         same mistake         actually exosomes, 27-30  a conclusion shared by  Just twenty years ago, the medical profession
            with viruses      a number of other virologists. Viruses and exo-  “knew” that bacteria were killers—now we
                              somes are the same size, the same shape, both  recognize that bacteria are essential to health.
          that we have        carry RNA and both attach to the same recep-  How long will it take us to learn that so-called
             made with        tors. These tiny particles do not attack our cells;  viruses are our friends?
                                                                           Humankind  has  lived  for  thousands  of
             cholesterol      quite the contrary, exosomes are particles that   years with our brains tuned to the Schumann
         and saturated        are released from the cell (see Figure 2). In ad-
                              dition to carrying RNA, exosomes encapsulate  resonances of the earth, our bodies and indeed
          fat—blaming         toxins and cellular debris in response to various  all life—bathed in a static electric field of one
            a substance       insults—toxins, stress (including fear), cancer,  hundred thirty volts per meter. The electric
                                                                       symphony that gives us life is soft and delicate.
                   that is    ionizing radiation, infection, injury, many dis-
                              eases, immune response and asthma. In short,  Minute electrical currents that course through
                essential     these exosomes/viruses are the result and not the  leaf veins or through the glial cells in our ner-

               to life for    cause of illness, and they play primary roles in  vous system guide the growth and metabolism
                  causing     coagulation, intercellular signaling and excre-  of all life forms. Our cells communicate in
                                                                       whispers in the radiofrequency range. Today,
                              tion of waste materials.
                 disease.        So, is a nasty little creature called coronavi-  this quiet hum of life-giving current is deafened
                              rus infecting us and making us sick? Remember  by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequen-
                              that researchers could not show that the dreadful  cies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell
                              Spanish flu was contagious. The fact that viruses  phone—and now the final assault, 5G.
                              are actually helpful exosomes, and that many   Fortunately, cells under assault produce
                              individuals who test positive for coronavirus are  the toxin-gobbling messengers called exosomes
                              symptom-free, makes their role as a perpetrator  that help us adjust to environmental threats,
                              highly unlikely. To settle this question once and   including electrosmog. These tiny messengers
                              for all, we need to do the same contagion studies   provide real-time and rapid genetic adaptation to
                              that proved non-contagion in 1918.       environmental changes. After all, most people
                                 If you do a bit of surfing on the Internet,   have adjusted to worldwide radio waves, elec-
                              you will find that exosomes are the latest thing   tricity in our homes and ubiquitous Wi-Fi. . . and
                              for diagnosis and therapy, with many medical   there were thirty-five sailors on the battleship
                              uses—from cancer treatment, to wound healing,   Arachne who did not get sick! Even the sparrow
                              to hair restoration! If 5G, by overloading the   population rebounded after the flu of 1738. It
                              body’s electrical circuitry and hijacking oxygen,   is exosomes that allowed these adjustments to
                              causes injury to the lung cells, then an increased   happen. Whether these exosomes can help us
                              production of exosomes (wrongly called viruses)   adapt to the extreme disruption of 5G remains
                              is sure to be the result—and thank goodness!   to be seen.
                              It is no wonder that the antiviral medications
                              given in the early days of the pandemic—but   Sally Fallon Morell is the founding president
                              now largely abandoned—caused such terrible   of the Weston A. Price Foundation and author
                              side effects, including allergic reactions, fever,   of the best-selling cookbook Nourishing Tradi-
                              nausea,  vomiting,  bleeding,  diabetic  lactic   tions. Parts of this article were first published
                              acidosis, damage to the kidneys, liver and pan-  on her blog
                              creas. . . and breathing problems. These drugs
                              were suppressing the body’s efforts to protect   REFERENCES
                                                                           Firstenberg A. The Invisible Rainbow. White River
                              itself against the poisonous effects of 5G and   Junction, VT: Chelsea Green, 2017.
                              other toxins.                            2.   Perper R. Fauci says people should “just forget about
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