Page 25 - Summer2020final
P. 25

cells and who-knows-what-else and injected  place at the same time? One obvious candidate   None of
            that into two unfortunate monkeys. They didn’t  is electromagnetic pollution.      the studies
            do a control group, such as injecting saline, or
            injecting lung cancer cells, or even injecting  ADAPTATION                         carried out
            the liquid supernatant from the centrifuged   It’s interesting to note that over the decades,   to date has
            material into a control group of monkeys. In-  each wave of influenza has had its own constel-  provided any
            stead, the two experimental monkeys just got  lation of symptoms. During the Spanish flu
            the unpurified, cellular-debris-laden goop. One  epidemic, the main problem was bleeding—the  semblance of
            of the monkeys got pneumonia, and the other  inability of the blood to coagulate—and the   proof that we
            got a rash.  In a related study, the Chinese  main victims were healthy people in the prime   are dealing
            scientists took unpurified, lung-cancer-grown,  of life (between the ages of twenty-five and
            centrifuged snot and squirted it down the throats  forty). Today’s victims are older, usually with   with a deadly
            and into the lungs of a group of hamsters. Some  pre-existing conditions, and the main symp- viral disease.
            (but not all) of the hamsters got pneumonia, and  toms seem to be hypoxia, akin to high-altitude
            some even died. We have no idea what would  sickness
            have happened if they had squirted plain lung   Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, working on the
            cancer cells into the lungs of these hamsters;  front lines in a New York City hospital, made a
            probably not anything good. Most perplexing  video explaining what he has observed.  Says
            is the fact that some of the hamsters didn’t get  Kyle-Sidell, “We’ve never seen anything like
            sick—which doesn’t square with the “deadly  it!” The afflicted are literally gasping for air.
            contagious virus” theory at all. 25       In fact, the ventilators that the hospitals have
               In short, none of the studies carried out to  scrambled to obtain do more harm than good
            date has provided any semblance of proof that  and may be accounting for the high mortality
            we are dealing with a deadly viral disease. The  rate. These patients don’t need help breath-
            fact that illness appears in clusters may seem  ing—they need more oxygen when they take
            to call for “contagion” as an explanation, but  a breath. What Kyle-Sidell describes is not the
            an equally appropriate explanation is not the  sign of a contagious disease but of a disruption
            germ but the terrain. Which environmental  of our mechanisms for producing energy and
            factors are affecting many people in the same  getting oxygen to the red blood cells.

                                      FIGURE 2. The release of exosomes from the cell

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