Page 22 - Summer2020final
P. 22

Viruses have       and refrain from kissing their babies to stop  ENTER THE VIRUS
              become a        the contagion.                               When Louis Pasteur was unable to find a
                                 But was it contagious? At the time, health  bacterium that could cause rabies, he speculated
             convenient       officials believed that a microorganism called  about a pathogen too small for detection by
              scapegoat       Pfeiffer’s bacillus caused the Spanish flu, and  microscopes. These tiny particles—about one-
            for diseases      they were very interested in understanding how  hundredth the size of a cell—became visible
                              the organism could spread so quickly—and so  with the invention of the electron microscope in
           that don’t fit     randomly. To answer that question, doctors from  1931. Scientists assumed that they were bad for
           the bacterial      the U.S. Public Health Service tried to infect one  us—“dangerous infectious agents”—and named
                  model.      hundred healthy volunteers between the ages of  them viruses, the Latin word for “toxins.”
                              eighteen and twenty-five by collecting mucous
                                                                           Because viruses are always seen in and
                              secretions from the noses, throats and upper  around living cells, researchers surmised that
                              respiratory tracts of those who were sick. The  viruses replicate only inside the living cells
                              doctors then transferred these secretions to the  of an organism—they do not divide like cells
                              noses, mouths and lungs of the volunteers, but  do. Scientists today operate on the assumption
                              not one of them succumbed. Even when blood  that these ubiquitous viruses can infect all
                              from sick donors was injected into the blood  types of life forms, from animals and plants to
                              of the volunteers, they remained stubbornly  microorganisms, including bacteria. Difficult
                              healthy.                                 to separate and purify, viruses have become
                                 Finally, the doctors instructed those af-  a convenient scapegoat for diseases that don’t
                              flicted with the flu to breathe and cough over  fit the bacterial model. Colds, flu and pneumo-
                              the healthy volunteers, but none became sick.  nia—once considered exclusively bacterial dis-
                              Researchers even tried to infect healthy horses  eases—are now frequently blamed on a virus.
                              with the mucous secretions of horses with the   Is it possible that scientists will one day
                              flu—yes, many animals became ill during the  discover that these particles, like the once-
                              pandemic—but the results were the same. The  maligned  bacteria,  play  a  beneficial  role?
                              Spanish flu was not contagious, 21,22  and physi-  Indeed, scientists have already done just that.
                              cians could attach no blame to the accused  However, old ideas—and especially the “one
                              bacterium nor provide an explanation for its  bug, one drug” mentality that promises profits
                              global reach.                            from drugs and vaccines—die hard.
                                 In recent years, we have witnessed a com-
                              plete reversal of the reigning medical paradigm,  KOCH AND RIVERS
                              which claims that bacteria attack and sicken us.   Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch (1843-
                              Indeed, researchers have become increasingly  1910) is considered one of the founders of mod-
                              frustrated in their attempts to prove that bacteria  ern bacteriology, having created and improved
                              make us sick, except as co-actors in extremely  laboratory technologies for isolating bacteria.
                              unnatural conditions. We have learned that the  His research led to the formulation of what
                              digestive tract contains up to six pounds of bac-  are called Koch’s postulates, a series of four
                              teria, which play many beneficial roles—they  principles linking specific microorganisms to
                              protect us against toxins, support the immune  specific diseases.
                              system, help digest our food, create vitamins   The postulates are as follows:
                              and even produce feel-good chemicals. Bacteria
                              that coat the skin and line the vaginal tract play  1.  The microorganism must be found in abun-
                              equally protective roles. Bacteria permeate the   dance in all organisms suffering from the
                              soil to make plant growth possible. These dis-  disease, but should not be found in healthy
                              coveries call into question many current medical   organisms.
                              practices, from antibiotics to herbicides to hand  2.  The microorganism must be isolated from
                              sanitizing.                                  a diseased organism and grown in a pure
                                                                       3.  The cultured microorganism should cause
         20                                       Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2020
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