Page 16 - Summer2020final
P. 16
First Name Last Name Name for Badge
City State Zip Code Country
Phone Fax r Check here if you are interested in donating food.
E-mail Website r This is my first Wise Traditions conference.
r Check here to reserve gluten- & casein-free conference meals. OR r Gluten-free only. OR r Casein-free only. Register for GF and/or CF children’s meals below.
DISCOUNTED MEMBERSHIP: become a member of the Foundation while registering and receive a discount. CHAPTER LEADERS
$30 US Annual Membership (regularly $40) r $40 International (regularly $50) (online use code wapf10)
r I am chapter leader listed online.
r I plan to attend the Chapter Leader Meeting
FULL REGISTRATION includes conference materials, Friday sessions, lunch and dinner, Saturday sessions,
lunch and Awards Banquet, Sunday sessions and brunch (except for no-meal option). Does not include Monday. Friday, Nov 13, 8 am-1:15 pm (See discount)
THREE DAYS By Sept 20 After Sept 20
r Full Registration (Includes lunch each day, dinner Fri & Sat) $440 $465 How did you hear about the conference?
r Full Registration No-Meal Option (meals not included) $340 $365 (check all that apply)
r Friend/Colleague r WAPF email
TWO DAYS includes sessions with lunch on two days. r Blog r WAPF postcard
r Pick two days: r Friday r Saturday r Sunday $240 $265 r FB or Instagram r WAPF journal
r Web advertisement r WAPF website
DAILY REGISTRATION includes sessions and lunch (no dinner). r Print advertisement r Radio
r Daily Registration r Friday r Saturday r Sunday $140 $155 r Another conference r Chapter
r Saturday Traditional Diets Seminar, Sally Fallon Morell $75 $75 r Other, please specify__________________
r Monday Guided Farm Visit 7 AM-6 PM (includes lunch) $110 $110
What is your current occupation?
EVENING EVENTS r Acupuncturist r Farmer
r Thursday WAPF Real Milk Fundraiser Reception $65 r Nutritionist r Homemaker
r Friday Dinner and Events $60 r Chef r Student
r Saturday Evening Awards Banquet $75
r Chiropractor r Retired
r Nurse r Teacher
FTCLDF BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER (not included in above registration)
r One breakfast (donation) $17 r Artisan food producer r Journalist
r Breakfast for Friday, Saturday, Sunday $45 r Other, please specify__________________
r As chapter leader, please offer the 25% discount off registration (not Thursday, farm visit or breakfasts)
1. PHONE (703) 820-3333
Please select the sessions you plan to attend. This helps us plan but you can change your mind. 2. FAX (571) 777-8932
Friday Choice – AM: r GAPS r 5G r Homeopathy r Health PM: r Cooking r Oils/TBD r Vaccine/Aluminum 3. MAIL
Friday Evening Choice – r Genetic Engineering r Practitioners Panel r Film WAPF Wise Traditions Conference
Saturday Choice – r Seneff/Cowan r Nourishing Traditional Diets r Practical r Estrogen/Vitamin A/etc. 4200 Wisconsin Ave, NW #106-380
Sunday Seminar Choice – r Practical/Cheese r Baby/Chronic Illness/Buildings r Organics/Garlic Washington, DC 20016
CHILDREN’S PROGRAM (Child must be age 3-12 and potty trained.) PLEASE NOTE:
______Child’s Name(s)______________________________________________________Age(s)______________ One adult registration per form, please.
______@ $250 per child for Friday - Sunday includes Friday lunch & dinner, Saturday lunch, Sunday brunch Forms submitted without payment will not be
rGF/CF meals OR rGF only OR rCF only for ____ children OR ____@ $150 per child, includes no meals. processed.
CEUs FOR RNs & LACs. A $5 certificate of attendance is available. It suffices for RDs & nutritionists. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
rRN rLAc – rAll 3 days $65 rFriday $25 rSaturday $25 rSunday $25// rRD or nutr. rCert of Attend. $5.
Total Due:______________rMasterCard rVisa rCheck Payment/Money Order (make payable to WAPF) NO REFUNDS will be issued after
Full Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ December 31, 2020. Full refund minus $25
Card Number__________________________________________________________________________________ for written cancellations up to October 20.
Exp. Date_____________________________________Security Code (3 digits on back of card)_______________ Full refund if we have to cancel.
14 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020