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WiseTraditions 2020

                                           TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE
                                               Weston A. Price FoundAtion

                                 AMERICA’S PREMIER NUTRITION CONFERENCE
                            Life-Changing Lectures • Cooking Classes • Cutting-Edge Nutrition
              Traditional Nutrient-Dense Meals • Wise Kids Program • WAPF-Friendly Vendors • Networking

                                            CONFERENCE SPEAKERS
          Del Bigtree of The HighWire and producer of Vaxxed     Brandon LaGreca, author of Cancer and EMF Radiation
          Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, PhD, Gut and Psychology Syndrome  Kendall Nelson, director and producer of The Greater Good movie
          Monica Corrado, MA, The Complete Cooking Techniques for the GAPS Diet  Greg Nigh, ND, LAc, naturopathic physician & licensed acupuncturist
          Tom Cowan, MD, author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart     Robert Quinn, founder of Kamut International
          James DeMeo, founder & director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab  Beverly Rubik, PhD, president & founder, Institute for Frontier Science
          Marc DiNola, DDS, biological dentist                   Theodora Scarato, MSW, executive director, Environmental Health Trust
          Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions  Stephanie Seneff, PhD, expert on glyphosate
          Janine Farzin, of               Jeffrey Smith, producer of Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives
          Babs Hogan author of Strong Choices, Strong Families   Timothy Weeks, DC, author of Whole Body Health
          Diana Jabour, BBEC, EMRS, BBNC, building biology consultant  Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND, author of Radical Medicine
          Anthony Jay, PhD, author of Estrogeneration            Will Winter, DVM, expert on pastured livestock
          Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense  Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH, classical & modern homeopathy
          Chris Knobbe, founder & president of Cure AMD Foundation
                                  LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATION
                     The conference hotel is the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel 165 Courtland Street, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30303
                 A special conference room rate of $139 per night (plus taxes and fees) has been negotiated for our attendees.
                  This rate is for single and double occupancy and is available only until October 24 or until all rooms are sold.
                  You may book online (see details at or call (404) 659-6500 and mention Wise Traditions.

                        One-day, weekend, no-meal options. Free exhibit hall and film.
                Children’s Program • Monday Guided Farm Visit • Continuing Education Units • Early Bird Discount • Scholarships
                                   For more information, call (703) 820-3333 or visit


                     THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12                                MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16
                            6:00 – 9:00 pm
                     RAW MILK CAMPAIGN                                          Will Winter, DVM
                  FUNDRAISER RECEPTION                                   Professionally Guided Farm Visit

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