Page 8 - Summer2020final
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of the others are converted into pasteur- No one seems to know we should the cliché of the Mediterranean diet—
ized milk, not even organic. I found just cook and especially fry in animal fat not the worst diet but not sufficiently
one that still provides raw milk. The and have the EVOO oil raw. Omega 6 rich in nutrient-dense foods to nourish
same thing is true for a nearby province. inflammation caused by cooking with our brain, sustain and balance our hor-
The ones I could personally check are vegetable oils and eating processed mones and keep our gut healthy.
converted to pasteurized milk. One food loaded with vegetable oils is huge. Is there a way to educate and en-
farmer explained that it is too much I wish they used olive oil. Coconut oil gage family doctors or having an au-
effort and expense to keep raw milk is not popular since it is a saturated fat. thentic, organic, educazione alimentare
available in the machines. I cannot tell Red meat is considered a danger, as in schools, in order to help us and the
whether this is true all over Italy, but are fats, especially butter. People will future generations?
my investigation so far is disappointing eat red meat, but always with guilt and Eléonore Gaddi
and shows that the website is obsolete. with no concern for how the animal is Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy
Some good news is that one or- raised. One example is meat imported
ganic farm welcomed me to purchase from South America; no one seems to GRATITUDE
organic raw milk when they milk the care about the GMO soy those animals I would like to express my grati-
cows in the afternoon, but it is not 100 are fed. On the contrary, there is a lot of tude to the Weston A. Price Foundation
percent grass-fed. They think the only talk about the possible treaty between for opening my mind to wisdom and
countries where cows are completely the U.S. and E.U. for allowing more truth about healthy food.
grass-fed are Africa and India, but that U.S. meat to come into Europe. U.S. To share my story, I was the typi-
those cows are often weak and under- meat is seen as dangerous, although cal gal who believed that butter, cream,
weight. Some farms do limit the grains when living in the U.S., I purchased cheese were to be avoided if I wanted to
to seven kilograms. More good news meat from ethically raised animals, 100 be healthy and thin. I was not quite veg-
is a new certification, a 100 percent percent organic grass-fed. Most Italians etarian but eating an almost vegetarian
latte fieno STG specialità tradizionale believe that in Argentina and Brazil, diet, with just a little meat with my rice
garantita, which guarantees at least 75 cows graze in the Pampas instead of and vegetables with as little fat and salt
percent grass feeding (pasture or hay). eating GMO soy and corn in cattle as possible. I consumed lowfat dairy
I am afraid after covid-19 and the feedlots. Italy has a great reputation sparingly and later on drank alterna-
general panic for viruses and bacterias for food quality, but no one seems to tive dairy products (such as nut milks).
raw milk will be banned even more question whether it is still like that. On the outside, I was on the slender
tightly, instead of seeing it as an im- We consume large quantities of siee and looked healthy. So I couldn’t
mune strengthener. It’s the same thing salumi, not thinking it is red meat but understand why I couldn’t get pregnant.
with chickens and eggs and soy. In Italy with additives and preservatives un- I had been married to my husband
chickens are fed soy and corn, no matter less you know where to buy quality for about four years and we had been
if organic, pastured and open air. pork products. For example, where I trying to have a child since 2014. I
People think they get their bad live, there is a farm raising pigs and went off the birth control pill think-
cholesterol (does it exist?) or high tri- producing salumi higher than organic ing I would become pregnant the next
glycerides from butter hidden in bakery in quality (il Grifo, Reggio Emilia). But month. Nothing happened. I became
products, but this is not true. Butter is this is the exception. more careful about my diet and exercise
rarely used because it is too expensive I wish more Italians would return (more fruits and vegs, as little fat as
for processed food. If someone pro- to eating traditional, healthy foods; I possible, more exercise). Nothing hap-
duces food with olive oil, they will sell am therefore sending this “Mayday, pened. I started going through Google
a lot (hopefully someone questions the Mayday” to you. Perhaps you can help and trying out various supplements and
quality of the olive oil). us to spread knowledge and overcome herbal teas and any food that would
6 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020