Page 7 - Summer2020final
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            of death from Covid-19 is seventy-nine  quality of the food and social isolation.  with philosophy, the difference between
            years and 67.9 percent were in nurs-     I have visited people in nursing  suppressive and expressive systems and
            ing homes. These rates are higher in  homes and similar places. I worked in  iatrogenic illness.
            other states. Nearly all had comorbidi-  one years ago. The inmates are truly           Tedd Koren, DC
            ties—we don’t have a breakdown. We  over-medicated, undernourished, sad,   Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania
            don’t know how many had shots; we   lonely and depressed. Many lose their
            don’t know how many were on lots of   minds while there.             Read all of Dr. Koren’s blogs on
            meds (polypharmacy) including statin      But don’t hold your breath waiting  Covid-19 at
            drugs, which damage immunity. Prob-  for that to be revealed, or even investi-
            ably most of them. Low cholesterol is   gated. The medical profession’s number  HEALTHY FOOD IN ITALY
            associated with increased death.   one purpose is not to help the sick, it’s     It is getting more diffiult to eat
                Why deaths in nursing homes? It’s   to maintain its control and status.  nutrient-foods  in  Italy.  To  eat  good
            called iatrogenic disease. An iatrogenic      I’m not referring to individual doc-  quality organic, grass-fed meat I used
            illness or iatrogenic death is a disease or   tors and nurses—many are indeed car-  to order it in The Netherlands, but they
            death that was caused by medical care.   ing professionals. But they are caught  do not ship to Italy so I took a flight to
            Is that common? Yes, very common. It   in a corrupt system with no way out!  Brussels, had the meat shipped there
            is estimated that well over one hundred      This is nothing new; the medical  and came back with a two-month supply
            thousand Americans die each year as a   profession never accepts responsibility  of beef and cheese.
            result of taking prescribed medications   for its mistakes. They even refused to     Lately I found a few amazing farm-
            (drug overdose is in another category).
            That doesn’t include medical malprac-  admit that the bloodletting they prac-  ers that have the best clean meat from
                                               ticed was catastrophic—until about a  animals grazing freely or having hay, no
            tice, deaths from hospital infections
            (over one hundred thousand) and other   hundred years had gone by.   grains, antibiotics and hormones at all.
            causes.                               During the 1918 Spanish flu we  This is a very good sign that something
                Flu vaccine increases coronavirus   saw the same pattern, only this time it  is moving in the right direction, and my
            risk. Virtually everyone who enters a   only took about eighty years before it  life of trying to eat healthy meat and not
            hospital is given a flu shot. Research   was admitted that it was medical care  being vegetarian is a bit easier.
            shows that the flu vaccine increases   that killed so many people—mainly     Raw milk is easily available in
            coronavirus risk 36 percent.       huge doses of aspirin. But don’t hold  Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany
                Another contributor to the deaths   your breath waiting for an apology or  and France; but not in Italy. Are we EU?
            is the social isolation. Elderly people   even overall acknowledgment from the  Since I cannot have raw, organic, grass-
            were refused visitors on Mother’s Day!   medical profession. During the Spanish  fed milk, possibly A2, I don’t have milk
            Cruel is the only way to describe such a   flu, the mortality (death) rate in U.S.  when in Italy, just some heavy cream
            restriction. People in hospitals couldn’t   military  hospitals  was  36  percent!  and goat kefir. I also buy a large quan-
            have a loved one hold their hand. With-  Mortality in U.S. medical hospitals was  tity of organic raw butter in Belgium. It
            out a doubt, social isolation is killing   30-40 percent! Even more appalling,  is impossible to find organic grass-fed
            far more people than it was supposed  the mortality rate in medical hospitals  raw butter in Italy.
            to save (which is actually zero).  in New York City was reported to be     Googling latte crudo (“raw milk”),
                It’s entirely possible that deaths  68 percent! In contrast, the death rate  the  website  milkmaps.comsays  that
            from Covid-19 are not due to the flu,  of those flu patients under chiroprac-  more than nine hundred raw milk self-
            but are due to the medications and vac-  tic care was reported at .006 percent  service machines are in Italy. However,
            cines the sick elderly in nursing homes  and .013 percent. Why was that? The  in my province, out of fifteen listed on
            are submitted to. Plus consider the poor  answer may surprise you: it has to do  the website, some are closed and most

            SUMMER 2020                              Wise Traditions                                                   5
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