Page 11 - Summer2020final
P. 11

Caustic Commentary

            nine of Seattle, had to seek medical care at an urgent care  observed this immune pathology in his coronavirus labora-
            center just twelve hours after his shot, and when he returned  tory animals, he thought, “Oh my God, this is going to be
            home, he fainted. Says Haydon, he “felt sicker than he ever  problematic” (, April 23, 2020).
            had before.” Moderna did not release its clinical trial study
            or raw data, but its press release acknowledged that three  BLOOD VESSEL DISEASE
            volunteers developed grade-three systemic events defined by  Originally described as a disease of the lungs, akin to pneu-
            the FDA as “preventing daily activity and requiring medi-  monia, the emerging consensus now describes Covid-19 as a
            cal intervention.” A vaccine with those reaction rates could  blood vessel disease caused by a “one-of-a-kind respiratory
            cause grave injuries in one and one-half billion humans if  virus” that enters through the lungs and then attacks the
            administered to “every person on earth” (childrenshealth-  blood vessels leading to high rates of blood clots. In the U.S.,
  , May 22, 2020).                         as many as 40 percent of Covid-19 patients develop clots and
                                                                in China the rate is 71 percent. Autopsies show lungs filled
            INEFFECTIVE                                         with microclots. Even without a Covid-19 diagnosis, young
            Not only are these new vaccines dangerous, they are also  people in their thirties and forties are having strokes in re-
            ineffective. Oxford University researchers are developing a  cord numbers. On April 22, a New York doctor told CNN
            vaccine called ChAdOx1 nCov-19, which they tested on six  he had seen a sevenfold increase in the number of young
            rhesus monkeys. All six contracted the disease (www.daily-  people with strokes in the previous two weeks. At Mount
    Sinai Beth Israel Hospital, a doctor removing a clot from a
            vaccine-does-not-stop-infection-experts-warn.html). Just  patient’s brain “saw new clots forming in real time around
            two days earlier, in an example of extreme wishful thinking,  it” as he was pulling it out. Bad, bad virus. . . or is it? Rus-
   reported that the Oxford vaccine was a success  sian scientists saw the same symptoms in workers servicing
            (  ultra-high frequency generators way back in 1978. In addition
            monkeys-against-covid-19)!                          to fatigue, drowsiness, headaches and loss of memory, the
                                                                workers experienced a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin
            DISEASE ENHANCEMENT                                 and a tendency toward hypercoagulation. There is no need to
            The development and licensure of Dengvaxia vaccine for  invoke “viruses” to explain cases of severe EMF poisoning
            dengue fever by Sanofi took more than twenty years and  (, May 20, 2020).
            cost more than one and one-half billion dollars. Researchers
            found that the vaccine provoked a strong antibody response,  IT CAN BE DONE!
            which often made the disease worse, especially in infants  Mark Steele, a campaigner against 5G, worked to highlight
            and children—a phenomenon that researchers call “disease  the dangers of a secret 5G rollout in Gateshead, UK. Citing
            enhancement.” In spite of these dodgy results, Dengvaxia  complaints of increased illness and cancer in 5G areas, Steele
            was subsequently administered to thousands of children in  argued that the new smart 5G arrays on the top of new LED
            the Philippines, resulting in the deaths of six hundred and  lampposts emit class-one radiation frequencies and should
            leading to a permanent ban on the vaccine in that country.  be treated as a danger to the public. The Gateshead Council
            Did the FDA call for a halt to Dengvaxia? Quite the con-  launched a campaign against Steele, with false allegations on
            trary, the FDA went ahead and licensed the vaccine in the  social media posts and printed leaflets stating that Steele was
            U.S. In 2016, Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, Dean of the National  spreading pseudo-science; the leaflets claimed that the arrays
            School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine,  were not dangerous and were not 5G. “Please be assured that
            tried to develop a vaccine for coronavirus. Hotez told a  there is no scientific basis or credible evidence of any of these
            U.S. Congressional Committee that “coronavirus vaccines  scare stories about street lights causing cancer and other ill-
            are scientifically challenging and have a unique potential  nesses.” A court ruled that the council misused police powers
            safety problem,” that of disease enhancement. When Hotez  to gag Steele and ordered the council to pay eleven thousand

            SUMMER 2020                              Wise Traditions                                                   9
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