Page 10 - Summer2020final
P. 10
Caustic Commentary
Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
UNMASKING MASKS potential-high-rate-of-false-positives-for-covid-19-testing/).
One of the worst parts of the Covid-19 “pandemic” are the Yet, many people have been hospitalized and subjected to
decrees to wear masks in public. What’s wrong with masks? dangerous treatments like anti-virals and ventilators on the
Let me count the ways. First, they do not keep out “viruses.” basis of these tests. Probably the wisest world ruler alive
The pores in the best of masks are ten times bigger than any today is President John Magufuli of Tanzania. A chemist
“virus”—it’s like a six-foot man walking through a sixty- by training, Magufuli submitted a number of samples to
foot door. Labels on boxes of masks specifically warn that the World Health Organization (WHO) for testing. Says
the masks “will not provide any protection against Covid-19 Magufuli, “We took samples from goats; we sent samples
(Coronavirus) or other viruses or contaminants.” Two, we from sheep; we took samples from pawpaws; we sent samples
are constantly exposed to bits from car oil; and we took samples
of cellular material called vi- from other different things; and
ruses—our body is home for we took the samples to the labo-
three hundred sixty trillion ratory without them knowing.”
viruses. The air we breathe His officials named the sample of
is constantly raining billions car oil Jabil Hamza, thirty years
of virus particles that float old, male. The results came back
through the air and are blown negative. They named a sample
from one end of the earth to of jackfruit Sarah Samuel, forty-
the other. Three, viruses are five years old, female. The results
good for us; they communi- came back inconclusive. Pawpaw
cate changes in the environ- got sent in as Elizabeth Anne,
ment and help us adjust. Four, twenty-six years old, female.
the masks force us to breathe The poor pawpaw came back
in more carbon dioxide than positive. Samples from a bird
is healthy; they are particularly dangerous for those with called kware and from a goat also tested positive; rabbit was
respiratory problems. A recent study involving one hundred undetermined; sheep was negative. President Magufuli is not
fifty-nine healthcare workers, ages twenty-one to thirty-five, wasting any government money on test kits for his people.
found that 81 percent developed headaches from wearing
a face mask ( WARP SPEED? NOT SO FAST!
pose-serious-risks-healthy/5712649). Five, lots of bacteria Moderna is one of over a dozen companies working on a
build up inside the mask, and these might indeed become Covid-19 vaccine, leading the pack in getting out a vaccine
toxic. Six, the masks can be deadly. Several young people as part of Operation Warp Speed. An optimistic press release
have dropped dead while wearing masks in gym class or on their progress sent their stock price soaring. However, the
while running. And seven, masks hide our facial expres- clinical trial results for the vaccine did not give cause for
sions, thereby removing our main way of communicating optimism. The vaccine, developed and promoted by Anthony
friendship and approval. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infec-
tious Diseases, and financed by Bill Gates, used an experi-
FALSE POSITIVES mental mRNA technology said to allow rapid manufacture
The test used to “determine whether someone has con- of the shot. Moderna skipped animal studies on the vaccine,
tracted coronavirus” actually does no such thing. What it opting to try it out on “exceptionally healthy” volunteers.
looks at are snippets of RNA, not actual “viruses.” By some But three of the fifteen in the high-dose cohort (250 mcg)
estimates, the test can give up to 80 percent false positives suffered a “serious adverse event” within forty-three days of
( receiving the vaccine. One of them, Ian Haydon, age twenty-
8 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020