Page 5 - Summer2020final
P. 5
JUST SAY NO TO COVID TESTING! twenty years. My wife and I developed stronger correlation between symptoms
My daughter was tested in a clinic some of the symptoms currently asso- and disease with how far away you are
for flu last November. They did one of ciated with the pandemic on returning from a 5G cell phone antenna. Has
these deep nasal swabs. The test hurt to our top-floor apartment after being anyone else observed this?
like the dickens. She continued to have away for several weeks. This was before There are other environmental fac-
nasal pain and sinus issues, once wak- the first cases were reported in the U.S. tors that contribute to our susceptibility
ing up during the night due to the pain. The next day we discovered a new to this new electrical energy, including
We took her to a different urgent care microwave antennae array on the roof pollution levels and glyphosate expo-
two weeks later. The RN and doctor on of our apartment. sure. Here is a nice summary of this:
staff both admitted that it was likely We left the area, and thirty minutes
brought on by the nasal swab. covid-19-connection/
They didn’t diagnose a Gregory E. Hyde, MD, PhD
sinus infection, though my wife The Vita Institute
insisted it was. Instead, they Carmel, Indiana
prescribed Flonase and Clari-
tin. We skipped the prescrip-
tions. A week and half later, WRONG THINKING
we took her to our GP who I ask myself, why has the
diagnosed a sinus infection. He world gone berserk over a vi-
prescribed an antibiotic. That rus? The answer is partly that
helped some, but it didn’t clear allopathy is wrong in thinking
up completely until mid-March that microbes cause disease.
of this year. After this experi- Allopathy is heartless—saying
ence, you couldn’t pay me to people shouldn’t socialize or
take one of those tests now. outside of the city, all our symptoms meet each other during this “pandem-
Chris Long resolved. We have moved. ic”—and is a bully, claiming they’re
Maidens, Virginia My wife is from Milan, Lombardy, the only game in town. (There are lots
Italy. It was one of the first cities with of alternative medicines and therapies
CONTAGION OR 5G? 5G in Europe. She contacted her brother whose practitioners aren’t allowed to
Why are the doctors and care giv- who still lives in Milan. He was having speak up.) Also, after two generations
ers also getting sick if this isn’t conta- some of the same symptoms. He left the of anti-animal food propaganda, not
gious? The explanation has to do with city to go to their place on the coast. His only are most people eating badly, but
where hospitals are located in commu- symptoms resolved. maybe they’re not thinking straight.
nities—usually in or near the center of As many have pointed out, there is Into this chaos comes Big Pharma.
population density. Where do they put a very strong correlation between 5G They want to inject twenty billion indi-
cell phone towers? In the same places. cities and Covid-19 hot spots. We have viduals—all people and pets; all farm,
Many hospitals have telecommunica- looked at carrier-specific maps from zoo and research animals; and many
tions antennae on their roofs or on the individual cell providers of current 5G wild animals. But I think events will
roofs of neighboring buildings. They availability to confirm this. move too fast for them. Government
installed 5G in the hospitals in Wuhan. The interaction with oxygen de- will go bankrupt, the Internet will
I am a physician who has practiced creases over distance from the emitter. crash, and when they do, we will work
environmental medicine for more than Our experience suggests there may be a with our neighbors, we will rediscover
SUMMER 2020 Wise Traditions 3