Page 4 - Summer2020final
P. 4
the Weston a. PriCe
Foundation ® President’s Message
Education Research Activism
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President
Tom Cowan, MD, Vice President
Carolyn Biggerstaff, Secretary Who would have guessed when we finished up last quarter’s
Valerie Cury, Treasurer
Pam Schoenfeld, MS, RD, Government Relations journal that we’d soon find ourselves in lockdown because of some-
Pete Kennedy, A Campaign for Real Milk
thing called coronavirus? For the first time in history, we’ve seen a
Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS worldwide quarantine of healthy people. We’ve dedicated this issue
Jerry Brunetti to the subject in the hope that by the time this journal reaches you,
Fred Kummerow, PhD
Kim Schuette, CN our lives and the economy will be getting back to normal.
Cherie Calvert
You will find differing opinions in these pages, the main one
GENERAL COUNSEL being whether the current outbreak of respiratory illness is actually
James Turner, Esq.
caused by a virus—even whether there are such things as viruses at
Jen Allbritton, BS, CN all. We’ll be looking at the assumptions behind face masks, social
Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH
Marie A. Bishop, CDC distancing, contact tracing and mandatory vaccinations. Rest as-
Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(NA) sured, what you will be reading here is not what you will find in the
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
Lee Clifford, MS, CCN newspapers!
Christapher Cogswell, MA
Monica Corrado Whatever is causing the illness—whether 5G, air pollution from
Janice Curtin biodiesel, vaccinations or a wily virus—the Wise Traditions diet can
Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN
Maureen Diaz help minimize the effects. From saturated fats that strengthen the
Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS
Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD structures in your cells and help protect your lungs, to raw milk for
Ruth Ann Foster, MA
Donna Gates, BS, Med readily available calcium, to bone broth, to fermented foods—these
Joann S. Grohman components of a traditional diet can provide powerful protection to
Laura Hayes, BA
Suzanne Humphries, MD you and your loved ones. Over several generations, the modern diet
Mark A. Kastel
Felix Liao, DDS based on vegetable oils and refined sweeteners has made most people
Karen Lyke, BA, MS, DSc weak and vulnerable. Then add toxic drugs like statins and blood
Leslie Manookian
Kilmer McCully, AB, MD, MA (hon) pressure medications, and we have a recipe for widespread illness.
Judith McGeary, Esq.
Leigh Merinoff Face masks and social distancing, let alone toxic vaccinations, are
Carlos Monteiro
Kenneth Fielding Morehead, DOM not the answer to the crisis we face!
David Morris, BS, DC One thing I am happy to announce is that Wise Traditions 2020
Ronda Nelson, PhD, MH, CNC
Hon. Frank Niceley is still on! We’ve changed the location from Portland, Oregon to less
Jill Nienhiser, BS, MA
Sandrine Perez restrictive Atlanta, Georgia (we’ll hold the conference in Portland
Kathryne Pirtle, BS, MA in 2021). We have a great lineup of speakers, including Robert Ken-
Gerald Pollack, PhD
Jessica Prentice nedy, Jr., for our keynote address and Del Bigtree for the closing
Phil Ridley
Bruce Rind, MD ceremony. It will be fun to challenge all the modern medical myths
Sir Julian Rose, BT
Julia Ross, MA in the back yard of the Centers for Disease Control. See pages 11-14
Beverly Rubik, BS, PhD or go to for details.
Joel Salatin
Adrienne Samuels, PhD Most of all, it will be a wonderful occasion to celebrate a return
Stephanie Seneff, BS, MS, EE, PhD
C. Edgar Sheaffer, VMD to normal life and fellowship, with hugs all around! We look forward
Ted Spence, DDS, ND to seeing many of you there!
Alana Sugar, CN
Beverly B. Teter, PhD, FACN, CNS
John Umlauf
Susun S. Weed P.S.: A silver lining to the “pandemic” is that sales at local farms
David Wetzel, BS
Bruce West, DC are booming! Please continue to support local farms, even as the
Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND lockdown is lifted and the supermarkets re-stock with industrial
Lindsea Willon, MS, NTP
Will Winter, DVM food.
2 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020