Page 9 - Summer2020final
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            help me get pregnant (like Brazil nuts,  since then. I started making my own  extremely blessed to have learned about
            but not prepared as crispy nuts). Noth-  fermented foods and bone broth and  these nourishing traditions during my
            ing happened. I went in for a fertility  incorporated them into my diet. During  pregnancy and will continue to eat this
            check. The doctors said there might be  the process various things happened.  way for the rest of my life.
            some minor clogging in one of my fal-                                    I can now only hope that the rest
            lopian tubes, but it was very minor and  1.  I stopped being cold all the time:  of  my  family  (parents,  brother  and
            should not be the reason why I was not   My hands and feet were cold al-  sister) will also be convinced enough
            getting pregnant. We tried intrauterine   ways, but especially in the winter.  to change their current modern diet
            insemination (IUI). Didn’t work. Then   I just thought this was due to aging  to the nourishing traditional diet. I’m
            did IVF. I got six viable embryos. First   and genetics.             trying to show by example as I know
            (fresh) embryo transfer failed. Second  2.  I didn’t gain weight: My biggest fear  that changing one’s diet seems almost
            (frozen) embryo transfer failed.      about this diet was gaining weight. I  as difficult as changing religion.
                While taking a break I somehow    didn’t lose weight, but I didn’t gain      Thank  you  for  all  your  work.
            got pregnant naturally. We were ec-   any extra despite the fact of using  You’ve  changed  my  life  and  I  feel
            static. But it turned out to be an ectopic   butter and consuming full-fat dairy.  confident that I can lay the best founda-
            pregnancy (twins at that) that I had to  3.  I found a new interest in traditional  tion possible for my daughter’s future
            terminate. This led me into deep de-  Asian  (especially  Korean)  food:  thanks to the work of your foundation.
            pression. During my stay at the hospital   I’m ethnically Korean and grew up                 Esther Lee
            after surgery, I turned on YouTube to   eating Korean food. However, over               Washington, DC
            get my mind off the ectopic pregnancy. I   time my parents while living in the
            believe that by the grace of God, some-  U.S. had succumbed to the lowfat,  RENEWING
            how the video of Sally Fallon Morell’s   low-cholesterol diet and I had never     I am renewing my lapsed member-
            Seminar on Traditional Diets (  questioned it. I ate Korean food, but  ship. I appreciate all of the work you
            LJS4yKhJcu4) got turned on my You-    mostly purchased (semi) prepared  do for healthy food, healthy farms and
            Tube stream. I had intended to just leave   food as I always thought Korean  healing advocacy. I value the weekly
            this video on in the background without   food took too much time and energy  podcasts; they are well done and an
            actively listening to it. However, I found   to cook. Through the process of eat-  easy way to share information with oth-
            myself not able to sleep and getting   ing the Weston A. Price way, I dis-  ers. I especially appreciate all the sane
            more and more interested in listening   covered the wisdom of traditional  information you are giving for immune
            to the video. What Sally was saying   Korean foods and started making  health during this current climate of
            about animal fats and the traditional   them at home.                hysteria. I am especially thankful for all
            nourishing diet just sounded right. The  4.  I got pregnant: although I was not  my local food sources you have helped
            diets (South Beach, Atkins, paleo) that   able to get pregnant naturally, my  me find in years past so that I don’t have
            were popular seemed to have to do a lot   third embryo transfer in 2018 was a  to go face the empty shelves and fearful
            of persuading to validate their diet. The   success and my daughter was born  people at the grocery chains.
            concept of traditional diets was simple   in 2019. She was born a bit small but             Lee Burdett
            to understand and seemed natural to   healthy and is currently thriving.   Alamonte Springs, Florida
                After my release from the hospital,     There  is  still  a  part  of  me  that
                                                                                       Gifts and bequests to the
            I started to eat butter and full-fat dairy.  wishes that I had known and followed   Weston A. Price Foundation
            I found the best dairy I could in Japan  the Weston A. Price food way before   will help ensure
            (and was able to find raw milk at the  conceiving my daughter. However, I try   the gift of good health
            end). I have never bought vegetable oil  not to dwell on this and consider myself   to future generations.

            SUMMER 2020                              Wise Traditions                                                   7
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