Page 12 - Summer2020final
P. 12
Caustic Commentary
pounds to cover court costs. In court, none of the council UNTO THE THIRD GENERATION
officers could explain what 5G was and their leading govern- Grandmothers with higher blood levels of PFAS (per- and
ment expert refused to attend the hearing. In conclusion the polyfluoroalkyl, fluorine-containing industrial toxins re-
judge refused to gag Steele, stating, “The public have a right leased into the air, soil and water) are significantly more
to know.” The secret 5G rollout in Gateshead is now officially likely to have granddaughters with obesity, according to a
an issue of public interest and will be treated as a landmark report given at the virtual ENDO 2020 meeting sponsored
case for other people to start using this court’s ruling to by the Endocrine Society. According to Barbara Cohn, PhD,
challenge their Councils (, of the Public Health Institute in Berkeley, California, “Preg-
October 12, 2018). Here in the U.S., one small town, Easton, nancy appears to be. . . a critical window of exposure for at
in Fairfield County, Connecticut recently decided to put the least three generations of humans.” These compounds are de-
brakes on the 5G rollout. On May 7, 2020, the Easton Board signed to persist in the environment, and they also obviously
of Selectmen unanimously approved a 5G cease-and-desist do in the human body (
resolution “until such technologies have been proven safe meetingcoverage/endo/85719). Major sources include non-
to human health and the environment through independent stick pans, food packaging, household products, stain- and
research and testing” (, May 22, water-repellent fabrics, cleaning products and fire-fighting
2020). Other U.S. towns that have taken steps to stop 5G foams. They are associated with low infant birth weights,
include Farragut, Tennessee; Hallandale Beach, Florida; negative effects on the immune system, cancer, thyroid
Greendale, Wisconsin; Keene, New Hampsuire; and Santa hormone disruption and lowered testosterone.
Barbara, California.
VITAMIN A AND OBESITY A January 2015 study published in the Journal of Allergy
Obesity impairs the body’s ability to use vitamin A appro- and Clinical Immunology found that children who drink
priately and leads to deficiencies of this key nutrient in major raw milk have less rhinitis and fewer respiratory tract in-
organs. This was the conclusion of research conducted at fections and ear aches. The highest rates of these illnesses
Weill Cornell Medicine. “Our research shows that, even if an were in children who drank UHT milk, with lower rates in
obese animal consumes normal amounts of vitamin A, they those drinking pasteurized milk and boiled farm milk. The
have deficiencies of the vitamin A in major organs,” said first best outcome was in children on raw milk. The results were
author Dr. Steven Trasino. “Obesity is categorized as a state especially significant for ear infections—something that
of malnutrition, typically associated with consumption of too makes children especially miserable. Interestingly, children
many calories and poor intake of essential nutrients. Our data who drank raw milk had about the same rate of fever as
expand on that definition by showing that obesity plays a role those who drank pasteurized milk or boiled farm milk, an
in the body’s ability to use this essential nutrient properly.” indication that fever is just a normal and possibly protective
The report notes that vitamin A is critical for vision, fetal occurrence for children.
development, reproduction, immune responses and wound
healing, and that vitamin A deficiency is also implicated in FOR SCIENTISTS AND LAY READERS
increased risk of respiratory infections, diabetes, infertility, Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price
delayed growth and poor bone development. Unfortunately, Foundation is to provide important information about diet
obesity interferes with the body’s ability to use vitamin A, and health to both scientists and the lay public. For this
even with adequate intake. (, reason, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are necessarily
November 2, 2015). These findings may explain why obesity technical. It is very important for us to describe the science
that supports the legitimacy of our dietary principles. In
is a risk factor for severe Covid-19 disease, since vitamin A articles aimed at scientists and practitioners, we provide a
is also a critical nutrient for protecting us against environ- summary of the main points and also put the most techni-
mental toxins, including electromagnetic toxicity. cal information in sidebars. These articles are balanced by
others that provide practical advice to our lay readers.
10 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020