Page 34 - Summer2020final
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Symptoms cases per ten thousand people. The number-two to propylene glycol. The increased production
of the novel city was Brockton, with one hundred eighty-five of biodiesel has glutted the market with glycerin,
cases per ten thousand—just over half as many making it inexpensive and widely available.
lung disease as Chelsea. 28 A paper analyzing ninety-eight cases of the
associated The 2002 article on Chelsea’s biodiesel novel lung disease in association with e-cigarette
with production plant concluded with the following usage described the symptoms as follows: “The
comment: “And there is one final hurdle for most common respiratory symptoms were short-
e-cigarette biodiesel advocates: What can be done with ness of breath (85%), cough (85%), and chest
usage match glycerin, a goopy byproduct of biodiesel refin- pain (52%). Reported gastrointestinal symptoms
extremely ing? Although glycerin is often used in food, included nausea (66%), vomiting (61%), diarrhea
well with the soap and cosmetics, it already is cheap and (44%), and abdominal pain (34%). All patients
had one or more constitutional symptoms, with
widely available, and the market for an addi-
symptoms of tional supply is unclear at best.” The answer to the most common being subjective fever (84%).
Covid-19. this question becomes clear in the next section Upper respiratory symptoms such as rhinorrhea,
of this article. sneezing or congestion were not commonly
reported.” This matches extremely well with
VAPING AND LUNG DISEASE the symptoms of Covid-19, also associated
Even before the Covid-19 epidemic hit, I with breathing difficulties, digestive issues, a
had become aware of a strange lung disease dry cough, a slight fever and a notable lack of
affecting people who regularly smoke e-cig- rhinorrhea (a runny nose).
arettes (electronic nicotine delivery systems). A very thorough investigation into the
E-cigarettes were first introduced into the U.S. effects of vaping fumes on mice—with an es-
market in 2007, and the market has been steadily pecially detailed analysis of the ways that the
growing ever since. I had been suspecting that disease affects the lungs—revealed a great deal
the cause of the unusual lung illness might more information about the characteristics of
be glyphosate contamination in e-cigarettes. the disease process. The mice were exposed
Tobacco itself is a GMO Roundup-Ready crop, to vaping fumes for three months and subse-
so this could be one source, but other potential quently were infected with the flu virus. The
sources—specific to e-cigarettes—are the glyc- mice responded with an overactive adaptive
erin and propylene glycol additives. As we have immune response to the virus in the lungs, just
just seen, glycerin is a major waste product of as acute cases of Covid-19 are associated with
biodiesel production, and it is easily converted an overactive adaptive immune response.
FIGURE 2. Chelsea stands out
starkly in the statistics on Covid-19
infections in Massachusetts.
32 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020