Page 85 - Summer2020final
P. 85

Vaccination Updates

                                   By Kendall Nelson, Director, The Greater Good

                Each evening at the same time, the small  are free to come and go in the moment. After   Never before
            town in which I live comes alive with a sym-  all, our liberties have never been more at risk.   have we
            phony of howling. This howling comes not from
            wolves, but from people who wish to express  PANIC THROUGH EXAGGERATION            quarantined
            their gratitude for those on the front lines in   The majority of those who contract SARS-  healthy
            our county, which initially experienced more  CoV-2 experience mild or no symptoms. Despite   people, nor
            purported cases of Covid-19 per capita than  this fact, “experts” elicited panic and ultimately
            any other place in the nation. The howling is a  control by exaggerating fatality numbers at the   have we
            salute to workers supplying essential services—  start of the outbreak.            made a
            including medical professionals, grocery store   On March 16, 2020, Neil Ferguson, a math-  judgment
            cashiers and mail carriers—at a time when  ematical epidemiologist at the Imperial College
            residents have been ordered to stay at home and  of London, published a paper explaining his use   about which
            wait out the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.         of computer models that simulated the rapid   businesses
                It is my hope that by the time this article  spread of the coronavirus through the UK’s   are
            reaches you, we will be howling not just for  population. Ferguson’s model predicted over
            those who sacrificed during these difficult times,  half a million deaths if the UK government took   “essential.”
            but in celebration of freedom. Businesses around  no action and also suggested that the U.S. might
            the world will have fully reopened, people will  face over two million deaths.  Imperial College
            be free to come and go and our children will be  benefits from sizeable funding from the Bill &
            playing with their friends and looking forward  Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), having
            to a new school year together. Our “new normal”  received over one million dollars in 2019 alone.
            will be just going back to normal.           The same day that Ferguson’s paper was
                However, the chances that things will play  published, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of
            out in this way are small. Cities and states may  the White House Coronavirus Task Force as well
            lessen or lift their quarantine orders, but they  as director of the National Institute of Allergy
            are likely to reinstate such orders periodically  and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)—part of the
            until every person receives a fast-tracked, ex-  National Institutes of Health (NIH)—parroted
            perimental vaccine. Public health authorities  Ferguson’s numbers to the American public.
            and state governors have openly stated that our  As a consequence, President Trump adopted
            country will not go back to normal until there  Fauci’s aggressive recommendations to lock
            is a vaccine that eliminates the spread of the  down the country in order to slow down the
            coronavirus.                              spread of the coronavirus. Also on March 16,
                But what if the authorities are wrong? Never  the director-general of the World Health Organi-
            before have we quarantined healthy people, nor  zation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
            have we made a judgment about which busi-  said, “This is the defining global health crisis of
            nesses are “essential.” What if we have ruined  our time,” intoning that “The days, weeks and
            lives based on misinformation and fear, forgoing  months ahead will be a test of our resolve, a test
            sound science and accurate statistics? Worse yet,  of our trust in science and a test of solidarity.”
            what if we have been purposefully lied to so  All of this occurred on a day when there were a
            that elites can gain control of our sovereignty?  total of seven thousand one hundred global Co-
                If a correction is to be made, it must be  vid-19 deaths and just eighty-eight U.S. deaths.
            made now—regardless of whether or not we     Less than two weeks later, Fauci down-

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