Page 87 - Summer2020final
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tives, which have been used to enforce restric-  that sells fresh meat and fish) in Wuhan. Some   False
            tions on civil liberties, including quarantining  people who visited the market developed viral
            healthy individuals. False positives also inflate  pneumonia, presumably caused by the corona-  positives
            numbers and lead to aggressive treatment of  virus. However, a study released on January 25,  also inflate
            misdiagnosed patients.                    2020 concluded that the individual with the first   numbers
               To perform an RT-PCR test, a clinician  reported case of Covid-19 fell ill on December
            takes a swab from a patient’s nose or throat,  1, 2019—and had no link to the market.    and lead to
            which might contain a tiny virus particle. RT-  Francis Boyle is a professor of interna- aggressive
            PCR tests “work” by detecting specific genetic  tional law at the University of Illinois and is   treatment of
            material within the virus. Once a sample ar-  the biological weapons expert who drafted the
            rives at the lab, technicians extract its nucleic  U.S. domestic implementing legislation for   misdiagnosed
            acid (RNA), which holds the virus’s genome.  the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of  patients.
            Then, technicians “amplify” certain regions of  1989 signed into law by President George H.W.
            the genome. This, in effect, gives researchers a  Bush.  Professor Boyle theorizes that the virus
            large sample that they can then compare to the  likely escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Vi-
            new virus.                                rology’s Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory,
               A central problem with RT-PCR tests is that  which was specifically set up to study corona-
            they do not produce a positive-negative result.  viruses. According to Boyle, BSL-4 facilities
            Instead, they simply determine the number of  around the world exist to research, develop,
            amplification cycles required to detect sufficient  test and stockpile offensive biological weapons.
            material to beat the arbitrary cutoff between  The Wuhan Institute houses more than one
            positive and negative. In other words, techni-  thousand five hundred strains of deadly viruses,
            cians can get a positive result by setting the  specializing in the study of “the most dangerous
            specific number of cycles they do in the test. A  pathogens,” including viruses carried by bats.
            second problem is that even assuming the tests  In Professor Boyle’s opinion, China has made
            can detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus,  it “very clear” that they are “at war with their
            the test does not say anything about how much  own biological warfare agent.”
            virus is in the patient’s body. To cause illness,   One hotly debated type of experiment car-
            science says there must be millions of replicat-  ried out at labs such as Wuhan’s BSL-4 facility
            ing virus in the patient.  Finally, we do not know  is called “gain-of-function” research, which
            whether the RT-PCR test is testing for a virus  involves attempts to create “potential pandemic
            that actually causes disease because no one has  pathogens”  and manipulate or “enhance” vi-
            carried out the steps needed to prove causation.  ruses such as influenza and coronaviruses.  In
               Serological tests, a second type of test, are  2014, the Obama Administration halted funding
            being used to detect the presence of antibod-  for all U.S. research involved with dangerous
            ies from blood samples. However, these tests  coronavirus gain-of-function mutation, includ-
            are notorious for cross-reactions and thus also  ing work at America’s main military biologi-
            have problems with false positives. In addition,  cal warfare laboratory (Fort Detrick) and the
            antibody tests can be unreliable because they  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
            may not distinguish between various strains  To sidestep this hurdle, the NIH’s Fauci turned
            of human coronaviruses to which people have  around and awarded a research grant of almost
            been exposed.  Adding to the confusion, the  four million dollars to scientists outside the
            WHO says that developing antibodies to SARS-  U.S. to create coronaviruses more lethal and
            CoV-2 does not mean you will not get Covid-19  transmissible than wild coronaviruses. This
            a second time!                            money went to Wuhan’s BSL-4 lab and other
                                                      laboratories in Asia.
               Although health officials are still tracing the  PLANNING A PANDEMIC IN ADVANCE?
            exact source of the 2019 coronavirus, an early   Many people question not only the origin of
            hypothesis linked it to a “wet market” (a market  the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak but also its timing,

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